Multiple Black Spheres Captured,

4 min readNov 29, 2022

I had gone back to Daddyhole Plain to further investigate the area, and see if I could capture any more strange phenomena. It was a hot sunny day, but unfortunately, there was a slight mist around the coastline which meant it would be a lot harder to capture anything out of the ordinary, but nevertheless I was determined to give it a shot. I was looking towards Thatcher Rock and Ore Stone when all of a sudden a load of black spheres shot up from out of the watery depths and flew around above the small islands before they flew back down into the sea. I had successfully managed to capture these spheres with my Nikon P900 camera within a burst of photographs that clearly showed the erratic movement of these rather unusual sphere-shaped objects. I was very intrigued by them, and I zoomed in further upon Thatcher Rock and Ore Stone to try to capture a closer look at them, and to my surprise, two more black spheres emerged from the water and flew away. I immediately took up a different vantage point looking out towards the water in order to see where they had gone, and I was really quite surprised by what I saw. There were six spheres in total, two of which were in the water, while the other four were seemingly just hanging silently in the air in a fixed formation. It was a very peculiar sight. I quickly took some photographs and with that, they all flew off in all different directions away from view. I was completely stunned by this. These objects had no visible signs of any propulsion and were completely silent. I have been witnessing these black spheres at this location for many…

