Mysterious Photo Of A Spaceman Draws Attention Of Two Men In Black

4 min readMar 15, 2023


On the 24th of May 1964, Jim Templeton, a fireman from Carlisle in the North of England, took his young daughter out to the marches overlooking the Solway Firth to take some photographs. Nothing untoward happened, although both he and his wife noticed an unusual aura in the atmosphere.

There was a kind of electric charge in the air, though no storm came. Even nearby cows seemed upset by it.

Some days later Mr Templeton got his photographs processed by the chemist, who said that it was a pity that the man who had walked past had spoiled the best shot of Elizabeth holding a bunch of flowers. Jim was puzzled. There had been nobody else on the marshes nearby at the time.

But sure enough, on the picture in question, there was a figure in a silvery white space suit projecting at an odd angle into the air behind the girl’s back as if an unwanted snooper had wrecked the shot.

The case was reported to the police and taken up by Kodak, the film manufacturer, who offered free film for life to anyone who could solve the mystery when their experts failed.

It was not, as the police at first guessed, a simple double exposure with one negative accidentally printed on top of another during…

