The Mysterious Light On The Pillar,

5 min readAug 30, 2022

I was in my local Tesco store getting my weekly shopping, and I was standing in the fruit and veg aisle when I noticed a white light that was quite high up on one of the pillars. It was extremely bright and I never recalled ever seeing a light in that position on that pillar before.

I looked around to see if anyone else had noticed the strange light but everyone was far too busy getting their shopping to notice it there upon the pillar. The light was constant and unwavering in its appearance and I stood there for a while observing it.

The light was very similar to the weird light that I had witnessed previously on the bridge along Newton Road, back in November of 2002. I thought to myself “That’s pretty strange”, and then I carried on getting my shopping. About ten minutes later after I had picked up all the groceries that I needed for the coming week, I walked back over towards the fruit and veg aisle where the pillar was situated.

I had to take another look at that light, as there was something really strange about it. I walked around the corner into the aisle, and looked towards the pillar, only to be surprised that the light was no longer there.

On closer inspection of the pillar I could see, that there were no signs of any type of light fixtures nor was there any kind of way that the light could have been emitted from that area of the pillar, which was very odd.

I was very perplexed. How had it been possible for that light to be in that fixed…

