U.A.P. Captured Near Contrail,

3 min readDec 1, 2022

I was outside in the back garden sky watching, and I had just watched a passenger plane pass over the area, leaving a long contrail behind it. I was looking at the contrail examining it through the viewfinder of my Nikon P900 camera when all of a sudden an unidentified object went shooting by at incredible speed. I had instantly pushed the shutter button on my camera, just managing to capture it within two photographs before it was sadly gone. Whatever the object was, it appeared to be gun metal grey, and it was moving very fast. On closer examination of the photograph, I could see that the object was a flying saucer with a small dome on the top of it. There was also some type of distortion field around the saucer, which was probably due to its unseen propulsion. I regularly see these strange objects around this area, high above the town centre, and I find it rather fascinating that I always seem to spot them near passenger planes or their left-behind contrails. The photograph was taken ‏‎at 11:38 AM on the 13th of ‎June ‎2022, ‏‎at Newton Abbot Devon England.

