Ode to the iPod: Part 1

The Beginning & Podcasts

John Mulnix
The Particle


On Monday, April 27th, 2020, I took a trip back to 2005 when I picked up a 5th generation iPod from a seller on Facebook Marketplace. I will admit, a mix of nostalgia and curiosity caused me to seek out one of these beauties.

Apple’s click wheel navigation is fantastic, even 20 years later. The synergy between the hardware and software is perfect. This iPod is the quintessential mix of hardware and software that make Apple products unique.

Searching for an iPod was a relatively simple process.

There were a variety of iPods available, from a wildly expensive modified U2 iPod to iPods that have seen better days. These iPods had scratched screens, burnt pixels, dents, cracks, all signs of love from years of use. I made offers on a few iPods and ultimately settled on a 5th generation iPod with 30 GB of storage that is in pretty good condition. (I’m planning on picking up a 1st generation iPod Nano as well and will share my thoughts on that device soon.)

My iPod.

The 5th generation iPod is the pinnacle of iPod design. It’s what I think of when I hold an iPod in my mind. The one that I purchased is white, with some scratches all over, a small dent near the 30 pin connector, and some heavy-duty engraving on the back that looks like a jeweller did it.



John Mulnix
The Particle

Hosts The Space Shot & The Cosmosphere Podcast. Podcaster. Techie. Bibliophile. Space science & history nerd. I’ve also been a jeweler for 15+ years.