John Murphy
1 min readMar 23, 2019


Caitlin’s near-hysterical reaction to the end of the Mueller investigation with no further indictments tells us all we need to know about her ego investment in this story. She thinks she’s been vindicated for her mavericky and contra-factual take on this story.

And just as she brushed aside all those nagging facts that kept emerging during the investigation like proof that the Russians tampered in a number of ways with in the 2016 election, the 100+ contacts between the Russians and members of tRump’s inner circle and the nearly universal lies from nearly every one of these individuals about those contacts, the clear record of illegal Russian money funneled to Republicans and the NRA, the long history of dodgy business relationships between tRump and the Russians that probably includes using tRump casinos and real estate to launder money (the investigation of which is still in process), and the strange behavior of tRump himself in his interactions with Putin that has included confiscation of notes and, again, lies about anything and everything, here she is now claiming vindication and we haven’t even seen the report.

At least Caitlin is consistent in her cluelessness.

