Part Time Jobs For Students

Choose one

John Nicholson
9 min readApr 29, 2014

Summer is already knocking on the door and this means a lot of young people will want to change their daily studies routine and get a good part time job. But why is it good to have such a job? What are the best part time jobs these days? And are there any good ones in London in particular?

There are many things you can learn from your first job and it’s not always about making some money. Developing social skills, learning to adapt and react to certain situations, these are just some of the benefits from working when you’re still a student. Let’s see some of them:

1.Fastest Way To Responsibility Town

Teaching a child to be responsible is one of the most difficult tasks for a parent to accomplish. You can try to teach your kids as much as you want, repeat one thing over and over again. But nothing works best than getting into a real life situation where you actually have to depend on yourself and learn how to develop your social skills. And even better, you learn that, by making some money.

2. Adaptation skills

Learning to adapt to different people and situations is of the utmost importance for every person. And nowadays it’s even more important. Why? Well, because students nowadays are too used to Facebook, Google+ , Twitter and other social media conversations where they can say and do things that in real life would probably get them a slap in the face or something even worse. They start to lose their grip on reality and making real life choices and decisions, becomes a difficult task. Working part time will greatly improve their communication skills and get them to appreciate real life conversations, as well as, real life consequences of the things they say.

3. Value

There is a point in a man’s or woman’s life where they have to learn the value of things. Getting out of the circle of freeloading and having everything provided to you by your parents is sometimes very difficult, especially if you’re not when you’re not familiar with the concept of “earning money”. It doesn’t matter how rich your parents are and how well they can provide for you, it’s always for a certain amount of time which will inevitably end, and you’ll be on your own. There will be a moment in your life when you will have to learn words like “savings” and “amount”. There is no better way of doing that by earning some money yourself (even if it’s not a great amount at first). You’ll quickly learn the answer to “What is the minimum wage?” and how hard it is to actually get it.

4. Discipline

To have a job, even if it’s a part time one, means you have to be responsible. Going to work every day is a responsibility which will make you much more disciplined. It will teach you about finishing tasks on time and of course the consequences of not finishing them. The effort you make in being disciplined will be appreciated and encouraged by your employers. It may not be like joining the army but it really is a huge plus to people that have not work a day in their life.

5. Hierarchy

The concept of job hierarchy is very distant to a person that has never worked a day in his life. Knowing you’re not on top of the of the food chain and that the world doesn’t revolve around you, is something you have to learn before you can be considered a grown up. And the sooner you learn it, the better. There will always be someone above you at first no matter where you are and what sort of work you do, and you’ll have to get used to the thought of working for someone.

6. Respect

Since we’re talking about hierarchy we can’t overlook the closely connected meaning of respect. There is nothing sadder than a 20 year old that doesn’t respect anything other than him(her)self. Nowadays, there are all sorts of encouraging programs in schools which teach kids that they’re all special and super capable. Well, I somehow think that this encouragement is wrong. When you are taught to be the most important person, you lose the sense of respect for other people and think only about themselves. If you treat people with respect you’ll get ahead in life and this has been proven time and time again.When a person thinks he’s the most capable and skilled, and life proves to him he isn’t, he ends up being a very frustrated and sad person which blames everyone but himself for the mistakes he makes. That’s why it’s important to look up to people, especially in your line of work, and respect not only your accomplishments but theirs as well.

Looking for a part time job in London?

I think that’s enough proof for “Why is a part time job important for young people?” let’s get to what are the trending student jobs in London today.


Everyone hates them but they have jobs

“Job at Mcdonalds?….Must be mad.” Well, actually no. When mentioning a minimum wage job these days everyone thinks about Mcdonalds. Mcdonalds has somehow become the symbol of true corporate evil and everyone who works there is a bad or unsuccessful person. But really, are people which are getting Mcdonalds part time jobs lesser people? No, of course they’re not. Mcdonalds has been the target of many nowadays, mostly about the quality of their food, but in many cases, also about the job positions they offer. They’re accused of not paying enough and treating their employees badly, but one thing is for sure, Mcdonalds is, and in near future, will remain one of the major worldwide job providers. You’re a student and can’t find a job? Apply for Mcdonalds. Part time jobs for students are always available there and they are suitable for men and women. Yes, you don’t have many options of making a career, but it’s a perfect part time job where you’ll learn about hard work and discipline.

Receptionist jobs

Meet new people

London receptionist jobs are very popular among young people. They are maybe the most common part time jobs in London and especially in the summer months there are a lot of hotels and restaurants hiring. This job is suitable for men and women. The salary is very respectable and the work consist in conversing with various people and developing your communication skills. If you like to meet new people and you don’t have problems with crowds, working part time there shouldn’t be a problem for you. It’s also one of the best weekend jobs (if you like to work on weekends only) you can find and even people out of the city can come to work in London. You like to work in the evening? No, problem. This is one of the evening jobs that’s very suitable for a person like yourself.


Suitable for teenagers

There are a ton of movies about babysitting and this is not a coincidence. It’s one of the popular part time job for students (even teenagers can do it) in almost every country. It doesn’t require any special skills and much effort, and comes with lots of benefits. One of these benefits is that you become more responsible and learn how to look after kids. The wages are not great, but oh well, the job description is as simple as just sitting there and not waking up a child for a couple of hours.

Construction/handyman part time jobs

Develop your repair skills

If you are good with tools and like to try something more physical this is the best job for you. This is a job more suitable for men. Of course you’ll not begin as a certified handyman but you can become an apprentice an make a pretty nice daily salary. The handyman job description includes fixing, assembly, plumbing, home decorating and all sorts of various repairs. The good thing about such a part time job is the skills and knowledge you acquire there. They will help you every time you need something fixed at home.

Home based jobs

I don’t like to “move it, move it”

From the most physical job we’re going to the least physically demanding job. Working from home nowadays mostly means working with internet or part time data entry jobs. I don’t even have to mention that it’s very, very popular because…well…it is. These are the so called “typing from home jobs”. This would not require from you to go to anywhere but will put quite a strain on your back and on your eyes. Just use Google to find the job which suits you the most (it may even be in another country, don’t confine your search only in the UK) and apply for it online. You can discuss work hours, pay and everything that interests you by email or using social media.

Waiting staff

Be polite

Waiting tables has been one of the most famous minimum wage, part time jobs for centuries. I don’t think that someone needs an explanation for such a job but here it goes. You bring people their drinks and food….that’s it. Yes, you’ll have to be polite and all other sorts of little things that will make you a great waiter, but the essentials are pretty much the same. And while the wage is really small the tips could bring you a very large sum of money at the end of the month.

What are the salaries?

All the talk about minimum wages and we didn’t mention them, here they are in the UK:

For people who are not familiar enough with the minimum wage nowadays in the UK here is a helpful graph (London minimum wage is about £6.50 an hour).Yes, between £2.68 and £6.50 is what you’ll will get for an hour of your life and believe me you’ll very quickly learn to appreciate these money. Depending on how many hours you’re prepared to work the amount should be around 20 to 60 pounds a day (if you’re lucky to earn a minimum wage in London).

The conclusion here is, if you are a student, you aren’t busy with something and you look for a self-improvement activity, apply for one of these best part time jobs!



John Nicholson

John Nicholson is a 29 year old writer that likes to share his opinion on home improvement, DIY,mobile devices and computers.