Owen Wilson: America’s sweetheart

An ode to the man who has touched the lives of Americans everywhere

John Delaney
3 min readDec 1, 2015

Their are certain actors that transcend time. From Martin Lawrence to Keanu Reeves, these are acting’s iconic figures who remain favorites of generation after generation. They serve as everlasting models of what it means to be exemplary in the world of show business. And perhaps most prominent among this elite group of actors is none other than America’s sweetheart himself, Mr. Owen Cunningham Wilson.

From day one, Owen Wilson had all the odds stacked against him. He was given the unthinkable task of having to be a successful actor while also dealing with an incredibly dislodged nasal valve that not only made him look like Mike Tyson’s former sparring partner, but also caused his voice to sound like he’s suffered from a 40 year long sinus infection. Most would throw in the towel given such circumstances. However, Wilson persevered and taught us along the way that these traits, while mixed with a charming, almost alarmingly casual demeanor, can be incredibly cute and lovable.

While most would have never predicted his meteoric rise to fame, Wilson refused to waver in self belief or determination stating, “I don’t know, man. You just do it and it happens. Crazy, crazy stuff.” This attitude has landed him constant movie offers as directors salivate at the opportunity to work with such a driven person. For the movies that he has selected to be a part of, Wilson has been the inspired genius behind numerous, classic roles that have been credited for producing box office hits such as You, Me and Dupree, Starsky & Hutch, and Shanghai Noon. Although these roles never earned Wilson Oscar nominations, he is often comforted by reminding himself that Hugh Jackman was also never nominated for his work in the movie Chappie.

Wilson credits his success to his work ethic, noting his off season regimen in which he and Vince Vaughn attend several acting camps at the Minneapolis Boys and Girls Club every summer. It’s this consistent dedication that has enabled Wilson to perform at the high levels we’re used to seeing him at.

You would think someone who has perfected his craft to the extent he has might take some time off, but not Wilson saying, “I feel good, man. Maybe it’s the nose talkin’, but I feel like I could just go.”

Well Mr. Wilson, whatever it is you’re doing, keep doing it. You’ve inspired and continue to inspire Americans all across the country who dream of being the next you. Not everyone is up to task. But somewhere, in a little child’s room decorated from floor to ceiling with Owen Wilson posters, there’s a boy with an incredibly disfigured nose and ridiculously stuffy voice (like so stuffy you almost think he’s faking it for attention) that will be the next Owen Wilson. Until that day, however, we will continue to be captured by your remarkably casual works of art.

