Exploring the Possibilities of LTE on the Moon: Nokia’s Lunar Project

Johnny A.
5 min readFeb 27, 2023

Discover how Nokia is making LTE relevant in 2023 with a groundbreaking project aimed at creating the first lunar LTE network.

Image Credit: Nokia

As the world turns its attention towards 5G networks, Nokia has taken a different approach by exploring the potential of 4G LTE technology in space.

At the Mobile World Congress 2023, Nokia showcased a project that aims to test the capabilities of LTE for communications between a robot lander and rover on the Moon.

While it may seem like an irrelevant afterthought amidst the flurry of 5G possibilities, Nokia’s project is a significant step in advancing technologies that could be useful in future space missions.

NASA awarded Nokia a $14.1 million contract in 2020 to build the first lunar LTE network as part of a Tipping Point series of awards intended to advance technologies that could be of use in future NASA missions such as its Artemis moon shots.

The gear from Nokia Bell Labs, built for an undisclosed cost, will hitch a ride to Earth’s…



Johnny A.

Writer, investor, and a hard-working man with a passion for tech, science, movies, money, psychology, and many more. https://medium.com/@johnny_x87/subscribe