Building a Self-Awareness Company

This is my journey of the past eighteen months.

John Hungerford


It explores in particularly how I have come to the conclusion that I am here as an individual to build a self-awareness company.

Not in the traditional sense of self-awareness, and mindfulness, teaching just meditation and body relaxation techniques.

Rather, by working with companies and their staff one on one and employing the concept of human design — ‘The Science of Human Differentiation’ — we can ensure that individuals find fulfilment, satisfication and success through their work.

If you would like to know how I have come to this conclusion, please read on.

My Background

I am a former corporate auditor.

I left auditing because it didn’t resonate with me.

I wanted to be a consultant at the firm because I knew one of my strengths was talking to people one on one.

I pursued life coaching — with the consistent aim of helping people live their life purpose. That is live the life they are designed to live.

I went deeper down the spiritual rabbit hole — thinking of becoming a spiritual teacher, yet something didn’t feel right.

Eight months into this journey I was designing a consciousness consulting company, which at the time had three clients. My main thesis for my clients was:

“I’m here to give you the design of your life — not give you what you want.”

My Logo — For my second coaching business

My Beginnings with Human Design

At this time I came across Human design — the science of human differentiation.

It stems from the underlying principle that we are binary consciousness — Unconscious (Body) and Conscious (Mind).

It taught me how I am actually designed and what I am here to do as a result.

As an energy type known as a projector — I am here to guide, manage, direct others — when invited to do so.

As a 3/5 projector (part of my design profile) — I am here to be wise through experience.

In following my design — I realised that I had been invited into the Networking Marketing Profession — to be a part of the Health, Wellness, and Human Connectivity Company — Isagenix.

In that, I am here to guide others to live a more balanced and healthy lifestyle — by direct selling a nutritional cleansing system and products.

The vision of the START Movement (18–35) — Subculture of Isagenix

Awareness of Gary Vaynerchuk

It was through Isagenix and the person that invited me (Zac), that I first heard about Gary Vaynerchuk. The social media, marketing, and personal branding expert — CEO of VaynerMedia. Follow him here Gary Vaynerchuk and on snapchat @garyvee

Through Gary, I began developing my personal brand — learning how to best express who I truly am.

Screenshot: From Gary’s Course I did on Udemy — Click for the Link

I used human design, to discover that the most effective way for me to express this is through personal stories — that is by sharing my direct experience and journey.

As a result I began to create movies and put them on Facebook, sharing who I was and my background.

This authentic expression with my existing social network — led me through the invitation of Gary — to go on Anchor — The voice only social media app.

Through Anchor I have met over 150 people who resonate with who I am and what my message of self-awareness is.

Listen to my first wave

The Consciousness of Gary Vaynerchuk with Alida McDaniel

This led me to be invited to have a skype conversation with Alida McDaniel, a woman based in America, who is a success energiser, coach, and solopreneur.

According to her own website she is an “Intuitive Life Strategist, Culinary Artist, Personal Trainer, and Galactic Rainbow Unicorn”

Galactic Rainbow Unicorn

We met on the basis of discussing the potential for Gary Vaynerchuk to be introduced to human design — given that we both had experience with it.

We decided that we would do a project together to get Gary’s attention.

The project would explain the consciousness of Gary Vaynerchuk by analysing and assessing his every action from a place that is wanting to understand how he is the way he is — how he is self-aware.

Alida’s primary focus would be to explain how Gary lives and practices his craft by abiding to the laws of consciousness. I would discuss the human design aspects.

This is the real Alida

Check out her story here:

My Book Is Being Edited

At this time, Megan, a 18 year old girl that I had once met in my home town Bowral, Australia, reached out to me on Facebook, with the intent of reading my first book — Trust Truth

The book explores my awakening and de-conditioning journey leading up to and including me leaving my corporate auditing job.

After reading it, she offered to edit it.

She and I met to discuss the editing process, the same day that Alida and I had spoken.

During our discussion— Megan and I realised that I was building a self-awareness agency and that the project with Alida on Gary was indeed part of that.

Also at this time, I received a reply to a snapchat question I had put out to my community — It was;

“How can I best add more value to you?”

The response was — Reverse Engineer.

I took that advice — and after my meeting with Megan decided to re-read my book to see if there was any instructions or guidance in there.

I only read the first chapter which explores the key mentors that made me change the way I think about everything and put me on my path of self-awareness and subsequent self-actualisation.

I didn’t do anything in paticular with this new knowledge — I had received what I needed.

Invited (Finally) To Build My Purpose

That night I checked my Instagram notifications and saw that there was one from James — a great mate who is currently in Chile on language exchange.

He had tagged me in a post by Peta Kelly (START Ambassador and Isagenix Millionaire).

Follow her here:

Her post was for a competition that she is running — where she is gifting $10,000 to a millenial run conscious start-up. Apply here.

It was only that morning before my call with Alida — that I decided to do an audit of where my life currently is — where have I been invited, and where haven’t I been.

As a projector in human design, I am here to master systems and processes but only ones that I have been invited into.

I concluded after this practice that I had been invited into mastering— Isagenix, Elliott Hulse (Physical Workouts) — and Gary Vaynerchuk…

I was confused by this last one — but then remembered that every step of the way since been aware of Gary, I had only ever explored him further when invited to do so.

Whether it was Zac originally, Emma who invited me to enter a Facebook competition to see him live here in Sydney, Australia, (Which I won), Gary himself who invited his listeners to go on Anchor, and then invited his Anchor listeners to apply for a job at Vayner Media.

Even Alida who invited me to a conversation with her so that we could propose a science to Gary, that can teach self-awareness to others.

My Journey Is Making Sense

As I spoke about this with my Mum — the ideas started to flow and all of a sudden my entire journey was making sense.

I was to build a company that is a direct extension of who I am as a person — a machine and duplicatedable version of myself.

A Self-Awareness Client Service Business

A Company that teaches other companies to become self-aware, by recruiting and moving staff, based on what they are here to do, as determined by their human design — who they actually are, not who they think they are.

The company’s purpose is to ensure that all individuals find peace, satisfaction, and fulfilment through their work.

With the $10,000 from Peta Kelly’s grant, I will study all that I can on human design (The Science of Human Differentiation), for I know it is here to change the way we all work, love, and communicate for the betterment of human evolution.

Building The Business Model

I then decided that I needed to build a Business Model Canvas for this business (A one page summary of how the business creates and delivers value, plus how it will cost and capture this value.)

I realised whilst doing this that the business that I was building would be a direct extention of my journey (What I’ve done and learned) plus an extension of my human design (Who I actually am).

I feel like I have discovered the perfect formula for entrepreneurial success. (Disclaimer this is what works for me)

Why There Is A Need For This

I firmly believe that had I been hired as a consultant at my previous firm instead of an auditor I would still be there.

I knew what my strengths were when they hired me — and that was talking to people.

However, given how the recruitment process is conducted — that being you apply online whilst still at uni, and then required to do a number of diametric tests etc, I was not deemed intelligent (IQ) enough to be a consultant.

There are two problems here:

1) The company that is doing the hiring didn’t get to know the real me

2) Me the one looking for a job — didn’t know myself enough to express who I truly am and what I truly wanted

Head Suit Tailors Understand The Market

It was half-way through last year — 6 months after I had resigned, that my head suit tailor and mentor — Stephen Foyle, suggested that I needed to start targeting corporates with my passion for teaching self-awareness.

At the time, my business partner, didn’t want to venture back into the corporate world — even though I saw it is a greater potential for growth and worldly impact.

Steve suggested I build a company that works with other companies to ensure that they hire the correct staff for the right job. He suggested I target professional, consulting and legal firms, plus investment banks, given my university background.

He also suggested I use a pshycological typing system (DISC) to play a key role in the hiring process.

I also wrote my first LinkedIn article on this subject at that time — “Why Gradduate Retention Rates Are At An All Time Low”

This idea never eventuated. I’m now beginning to understand why.

Gary Vee Now Sees The Need

Six months later, I was watching a DailyVee (Gary’s VLOG) and I noticed Gary say that if he could teach self-awareness he would.

In my perspective he has stated numerous times in the past few months, including in Sydney May 2016, that we need to start re-framing our conversation around entrepreneirual success. That not everyone is cut out to be no.1 in a company. Not everyone is designed based on their DNA to be an entrepreneur.

Watch him here:— WeWork Boston Keynote March 2016

He’s just waiting for his compliment so that he can build a self-awareness institute.

In that moment I knew that this was all real and that I am Gary’s Compliment — and it is I that is meant to build this business with him — whether he is aware of this or not…

The business is what is outlined above — and the science (all be-it new) that it could be based on is human design and consciousness.

I know there is a need for this and I know I am the one to bring it to the world — because it like VaynerMedia for Gary, is a pure extension of me and my true design.

Thanks for reading and have an EPIC DaY

If what I have written here resonates with you in anyway, and would you like to connect further — please contact me. I would love to talk.

Thanks for following me on Social!



John Hungerford

Self awareness expert — Nomad — Entrepreneur — Story Teller Sharing my journey of self-awareness, consciousness evolution, and entrepreneurialism with the world