Fang Slut

Johnny Murdoc
13 min readOct 31, 2014

A Come to My Brother Short Story

by Christopher Zeischegg

Daniel’s cum was still wet on my face. He sat in front of his computer, not beside me. I guess his ADD didn’t allow for cuddling.

“David, check this out,” he said, waving me over.

I used his shirt to wipe my mouth and skin and wandered toward him. He’d gotten messier since he moved out. Or maybe I didn’t notice it when we shared a bedroom. His stuff used to be mine, and vice versa. Then his trash became less personal.

Our parents both divorced when we were young. When they remarried, it was to each other. We thought it was cool to be friends who got to live with each other. Then we grew up and became territorial. Besides, my dad was sick of paying child support. He needed a kid under his roof to even the financial scale with our other set of parents. Daniel was enough to do the trick.

“Like I was telling you before,” said Daniel, “this girl’s been writing a bunch of crazy shit on the message board. That Vampinokturne are murderers and rapists, and that she’s been trying to get them locked up.”

Vampinokturne was the Euro black metal band that Daniel was obsessed with. I guess I was pretty into them too.

“The rest of board keeps asking her for details,” he said. “She finally caved. The way she writes about it makes it seem like she enjoyed the… Well, I don’t want to give it away. Let me know if you think it’s fake.”

I tried to sit on his lap, but Daniel stood up and said, “I’ll be right back.”

The message board looked the same as always: simple, black, and with a picture of the band at the top. The image showed the guys doing their usual thing. Faces made up with corpse paint and mouths open, baring wolf-sized fangs. Vampinokturne never appeared in public without the extra teeth. That’s why the stories circulated. They wanted their fans to believe that they were actually vampires.

FangSlut was the screen name attached to the “real life” account. The avatar was in typical teen-vampire, goth style: some girl with long, black hair and pale makeup. Dark red syrup dripped from her mouth.

To get it out of the way, I’m not your average groupie, and I’m not a slut. I think shaming is stupid and we should reclaim the word. OKAY!?! I like sex. Or I used to. So stop talking shit!!!

Anyway… Vampinokturne was my favorite band of all time. That’s why I’m on this message board. That’s why I wanted to go back stage with them. And yeah, I was willing to do almost anything. Don’t pretend you wouldn’t suck their dicks if you had the chance. You would! Before this, at least. They’re fucking Vampinokturne!!!

I thought they were really good performance artists, not killers. Obviously, there’s a history of this stuff (Mayhem, Burzum, etc…). But the scene’s come a long way. Besides… Fuck old school BM! Those bands didn’t even know how to record songs properly.

So I was at The Palace two weeks ago. My friend, Krissy, was with me. We looked hot because we thought we might get to see the band after the show. I mean, we were flirting with security all night.

Krissy was better at it. She missed an entire song to make out with one of the bouncers. Of course, he let us backstage when the set was over.

Vampinokturne were hanging out in their dressing room. They were super quiet and kind of scary. I thought they might act more normal off stage. But they just sat there and stared at us. Until Krissy walked over.

She was super up front about it. Pulled at her skirt until they could see she wasn’t wearing any panties. She took Ayis’ hand and put it on her pussy.

I’m not gonna lie. It kind of pissed me off. Krissy knows… or knew… I’m into lead singers. I even called dibs on Ayis. But if I wasn’t so shy, I’d probably be dead. It’s like Krissy’s pussy saved my life.

Ayis took his hand back and licked it, or sniffed it, or something. Then he picked Krissy up by the throat. She looked happy. Like, it obviously turned her on.

He dropped her on this table that was set up with candles and weird food. Then he pulled out his cock and started to fuck her. Krissy moaned all stupid, like girls do in pornos.

I felt awkward because I was just watching. It’s probably what Didrik picked up on. He smiled and pulled me around by my hair. Then he bent me over the table that Krissy was on.

Guitarists are my second-favorite, so I think I cheered up a bit. At least I’d get to fuck the lead something, you know? Besides, Didrik’s body is hot. I think he works out more than Ayis.

My face was next to Krissy’s when Didrik started to fuck me. Krissy looked at me like it was the best thing ever.

Ayis told us to make out, and we did. Then he asked us if we wanted to die.

Krissy laughed and said, “Eat me.” I shrugged, because I thought it was still a game.

Ayis looked like he was kissing her. He was rough, sure. But I thought it was no big deal, even when she screamed. Krissy always liked to play the victim. When Ayis pulled his face back, she was bleeding. Like, pouring out of her mouth.

I looked around for the gag. A tube, or blood capsules, or whatever. Krissy made a weird sound like she was trying to say something. It’s when I realized she didn’t have her tongue. I looked at Ayis. There was a fat piece of bleeding sponge between his teeth.

That’s when I freaked and told Didrik to stop. He tore into my neck, and said, “Shut up and watch.” I don’t mean that he bit me the way a lot of guys do during sex. His teeth were under my skin. I could feel my blood pumping into his mouth.

Krissy was flailing, so the other guys came to hold her arms down. Ayis kept fucking her. He drooled chunks of Krissy’s tongue on to her face and smiled like it was funny. She started crying and turned her head to the side. It was hard to tell with all the blood, but I think she threw up.

I tried to stop them, but I couldn’t move under Didrik’s weight. If I struggled, he bit down harder. Once – when I tried to say something – he pulled back and punched me in the face.

The guys held my eyelids open and forced me to stare at Krissy. She looked almost dead. Like, it didn’t matter when they ripped her arms off and shoved her hands up her ass and pussy.

I couldn’t process it. She didn’t even look human anymore.

The rest of the band took their cocks out and started jerking off over Krissy’s body. Didrik kept fucking me. Then suddenly, he stopped.

I tried to imagine myself in another place, so that I could be at peace when I died. But the weight was lifted off me and I had to figure out why.

Ayis had pulled Didrik away. They were face to face, and stroking. Before all this, it would have been my ultimate fantasy to see them make out. But I only caught a glimpse. Ayis stuck his tongue in Didrik’s mouth, and I ran for my life.

I screamed at the security guards, but they wouldn’t listen to me. They said that all the girls came out of Vampinokturne’s room half-naked and covered in blood. Because they wanted attention.

Even the fans thought it was some sort of stunt. The remaining crowd cheered as I ran past them.

So I went straight to the cops. They at least acknowledged that my wounds were real. But when I got to the vampire part, they snickered. I gave them my report and they said they’d look into it. But I haven’t heard back from anyone. I’ve been calling every day.

You probably think I’m crazy. You guys have been acting like I’m a troll all week. I almost started to believe it myself. But Krissy’s still gone and I fucking know what I saw.

Even if they’re not vampires, the guys in Vampinokturne are sociopaths. They’re insane!

But I have to admit… The weird thing is how quickly my neck healed. Morning after, I couldn’t find the bite marks at all. I also thought my nose was broken from when Didrik hit me in the face. But it doesn’t hurt. Not even when I push on it.

I feel like I’m changing. I thought I was into blood before, because I wanted to be a vampire. Now, I’m always hungry. When I look at my parents, I think of them as food. Same with all my friends at school.

I think that maybe they turned me. Because Didrik bit me and I got away. It’s next level shit, but I might actually be a vampire.

I can’t stomach normal food, and I feel like I’m starving. If anyone wants to donate blood, private message me.

BUT DON’T SUPPORT VAMPINOKTURNE!!!! They’re fucking evil, and not in a good way!!!!

Daniel walked back into the room holding a bottle of gin. He made a face like an apology. “It was the only thing I could find in my mom’s cupboard.”

I shrugged. “Do you have a chaser?”

“There’s probably something in the fridge.” When I didn’t move, he said, “So…”

“The message board thing? It seems fake. I mean, wouldn’t she be more upset about her friend getting killed?”

“Did you read the earlier posts?” asked Daniel. “She seemed really upset.”

“Okay, um… It doesn’t matter, right? It doesn’t change the music.” I felt kind of guilty for saying it. “Would you stop listening to them if you knew they killed people?”

“Fuck no. I think it makes them even better.”

I laughed. “You’re joking, right?”

“Maybe.” He drank from the bottle and his face looked sour. “Did you read the part about Ayis and Didrik making out? Fuck! What if they’re fags?”

“I don’t know. What if?”

“I’d let Ayis bite me.” He took another drink. “I’m getting hard thinking about it.” Daniel looked at my crotch.

I knew he’d just come, but our parents were gone. It was a rare opportunity to get off and not have to hide it. I looked at his mouth and rubbed my cock back to life.

“Would you eat my blood?” he asked.

He said it playfully so I pushed the question back on him. “Would you eat mine?”

Daniel fished around in his dresser for a minute. He stopped when he found a pocket knife. The blade flew open and he held it to my finger tip.

“I eat your cum, so what’s the difference?”

I bit my lip as he slid the sharp end through my skin, and smiled when he put his mouth on the wound. His tongue was hot. I could feel it get inside me.

“Your turn,” he said. Then he cut a line across the palm of his hand.

Daniel covered my mouth and I sucked in. His blood washed over my tongue. It was kind of a turn-on.

“I really want to fuck you,” he said.

“You mean in my ass?” We’d been fooling around for months. Mostly oral sex and stuff. I still hadn’t let him fuck me the way he really wanted to.

Daniel nodded smooth and said, “I have a condom.” Then he started to jerk me off.

“Give me some of that,” I said, and grabbed the bottle of gin. One swig, and I almost spit it out. But Daniel kissed me with an open mouth. The liquid went back and forth between us. Enough made it down my throat.

Daniel stood up and put his cock in my mouth. I tried to make it as wet as possible. He helped by being extra rough. All I could do was cry and drool all over him.

Then he threw me on the bed and pushed my legs back. I jerked off as he ate my hole. It felt good so I tried to relax enough to really enjoy it. But it was difficult knowing what he was about to do.

“Don’t tell me when it’s happening,” I said. “I think it will be easier.”

“But I have to get the condom.” He sounded confused. His tongue disappeared from my ass for a while. Suddenly, there was cock and latex pressed against me.

“Fuck.” I almost panicked.

Daniel said, “Tell me you want me to kill you.”


He grunted and said, “Please?”

My ass stretched open and I grimaced. “I fucking hate you.”

Daniel was slow. I could see him watch my face for a sign to progress. I’m not exactly sure what I gave him. But each time I stroked myself, it felt better. I don’t know how to explain it. Just that everything was super intense.

“Say it,” he whispered.

“I feel like I’m gonna die.” I meant it as a good thing.

His forehead and nose touched against me. He was close enough that when I looked at him, everything went blurry.

“This is the best thing ever,” he said.

His pace remained slow. Almost romantic. But my hand picked up speed. Every time he hit the back of my guts, I felt like I could come.

Our breath was loud and matched each other, which made me fucking crazy. I couldn’t help but shoot all over my stomach and chest. Because Daniel was so close to me, I painted him too.

He pulled out of my ass and started to lick me. Then he ripped the condom off and jerked his cock over my face. The tip exploded and I felt his wetness for the second time that night.

I closed my eyes and waited. I’m not sure for what. I heard a scratching sound. When I looked up, Daniel was ripping the coagulation from his palm.

He said, “Eat me,” and dripped blood into my mouth. Some of it hit my face and mixed with his seed. I opened my lips wide so that everything could fall into me.

“You’re beautiful,” he said. “This would make a cool picture. Maybe a promo for the band.”

Daniel sat at the computer late at night. He told me that FangSlut had posted another update on the board.

It was simple: I can’t take this anymore. There was nothing else but a URL. Daniel clicked on it.

The link opened up a live stream from FangSlut’s webcam. She looked the same as in her avatar, so at least we knew the girl was real.

The image quality was poor and choppy and there was no sound. FangSlut kept glancing at the floor next to her. Eventually, she moved her webcam so we could see what she was looking at.

It was hard to tell at first. But it looked like a shriveled body. The thing was on its stomach so it appeared neither male nor female. Just arms, back, ass, and legs.

FangSlut wrote something on a scrap of paper and held it in front of the cam: He’s my dad. I killed him. Tears rolled down her face while she stared at us. Then she dropped the piece of paper and disappeared for a minute.

When the girl came back, she held a razor blade in her hand. There was a lot of waiting around. Eventually, she slit down the center of both her wrists.

Daniel and I watched as the girl bled out. We didn’t say a thing. Her eyes stopped moving and she slumped in her chair. Nothing changed until the feed ran out. After that, there was black and our reflections in the computer monitor.

“Whoa,” said Daniel.

“Should we call the cops?” I asked.

“We don’t even know where she lives.”

Daniel turned his computer off and sprawled out on his bed. “Can you come here?” he asked.

I joined him in the bed. We wrapped our arms around each other. That was all until morning. We didn’t really sleep. But we didn’t do anything else either.

Daniel’s mom came back in the morning. So did my dad. They had this stupid glow, as if they’d just fucked. It was gross to think about when I hugged them.

They made us breakfast and asked about our night. “Did you do anything fun?”

“We just watched movies,” said Daniel.

“Anything good?” asked my father.

We both shook our head, “No.”

My father told us a bit about the business seminar he’d just attended. Daniel’s mom agreed with all the major points. Their conversation left us out like usual. When Daniel and I got up, they barely noticed.

“That was hot last night,” I said to Daniel.

“I think it was fake.” He was faced away from me, staring at the computer. “Look.” Then, “Sorry, what did you say?”

“Never mind,” I told him, and peered over his shoulder.

There was a new FangSlut thread on the message board. She had time-stamped several photos of herself. Each was supposedly taken an hour prior. They depicted the girl in perfect health. Her wrists were shown up close to the camera. She had no wounds, scabs, or scars. Only smooth skin.

The other board members argued over whether or not FangSlut had killed herself. Some said she’d taken the photos the day before and time-stamped them in advance. Others claimed the whole thing was a hoax. One member was convinced that Vampinokturne had set it up as a publicity stunt.

“What do you think?” asked Daniel.

“If it was a hoax, it looked pretty real. But I guess I don’t know anything about that stuff.”

“The pictures make me feel better.”

“Yeah, me too,” I said.

A new post popped up at the bottom of the thread. It was from FangSlut.

Believe what you want. I know I’m a vampire. I’m not doing this as a cry for help. I just want to die. This is the worst I’ve felt in my entire life and I can’t do anything to end it. Except that… Last night – when I thought it was over – I dreamed of hell. If it’s real, I’m fucked.

Living like this is scary, but I don’t ever want to go back there.

“Fang Slut” is a short story set within the world of Christopher Zeischegg’s novel, Come to My Brother.

Christopher Daniel Zeischegg is a writer, musician, and filmmaker who spent eight years working in the adult film industry as performer, Danny Wylde. He’s been a contributor to The Feminist Porn Book, Best Sex Writing 2015, and a variety of online publications, such as Medium and Nerve. His first novel, Come to my Brother, was released in 2013 through Queer Young Cowboys. And his industrial metal band, Chiildren, released their first EP, The Other People, through Bit Riot Records. In 2013, he appeared alongside Lindsay Lohan and James Deen in The Canyons, directed by Paul Schrader and written by Bret Easton Ellis. He lives in Los Angeles.

This story is courtesy of Christopher Zeischegg and Queer Young Cowboys, a small press dedicated to exploring gay male sexuality in honest and intimate ways.

Cover photo: Ben Hoffman. Model: Christopher Zeischegg. Design: Johnny Murdoc

