When They Find My Hat. I’m With You.

Johnny K Roedel
4 min readMay 10, 2019


I could tell that this goodbye was different by the way your lips turned into sand after I kissed you in the car.

“Excuse me,” you said with the hint of saltwater on your breath.

“I don’t know what’s happening to me.”

I did but I didn’t have the courage to say it out loud. I just brushed back the seaweed hair that was covering your eyes and placed one last kiss on your smooth forehead.

You were leaving


and I was going to have to


for even longer than


you were going

back to the ocean

and there wasn’t

a damned thing I could

do about it

the tide had come for you

and I was to remain

sitting by the shore

like a haunted lighthouse

in a world of no boats

I’m cursed to be

a useless relic

an old world antique

a forgotten structure

holding it’s breath

for a return of you

that I know will never come

you opened the car door

and the water we were sitting in

poured out out out out out

onto the

pavement outside

the flood created a wide stream

straight to the gate where your plane

was waiting to take you away

you turned to me

one last time

you were so


in that moment

your eyes

had become seashells

that played the echo

of all of the times I used

to make you laugh

fuck, I was so good

at making you laugh

back then

the sound of your

laughter kept me

alive more nights

that I ever admitted to


my love,

I would give anything

to make you smile

just one last time

just one last time

I’d like to sunbathe

under the fire of

your lovely mouth

I placed my hand

on the fluorescent

plankton that had started

covering your hands

I was shaking

in the wake of

your transformation

in the riptide of

your goodbye

in the rising water

of your leaving me

I tried to touch your

face one last time


you became surrounded by

pink seahorses

who were swimming around you

I could tell that you

were already gone

taken by the sea

you couldn’t speak

but somehow I could hear the prayer

you offered to the sea

your voice rang

in my head like a crying gull

as you said

“love is an ocean

and it’s where I belong

love is the great deep

and I am it’s new song.”

with that you melted into

a whirlpool that formed around you

and joined the other

sirens of the endless

blue mystery

I parked a mile away

and watched as your

plane rose straight into the air

before it turned into

a pod of dolphins

that you rode right the mouth

of the mouth of the sea

that waited for you on the

lip of the glowing horizon

you were right

love is an ocean

and you are it’s song

but I’m an island

and maybe we were doomed from

the start

and maybe every night I wait

for you to return to me

as a tsunami

my love,

I sit on the surf

with my toes

dug in the wet sand

waiting for the earth to shake

and the lights to leak out through the mantle

and the birds to circle overhead to watch

the waves to splash around me

like a million little kisses from you

like a fool,

I’m waiting for

the thundering boom

the quivering ground

the rising waves

the sound of your voice in the gulls

the coming reunion of us

oh my love,

you were right

love is an ocean

and you are it’s song

and now every night

I leave my sun hat

on the fence post

and I walk down to

to the beach

of my memory of us

and I wait

and wait

and wait

for the moment

when you rise out of


to pull me back

under the sheets of

your holy water

all over again


the only trace of

me left in this world

will be my abandoned hat

on the fence post

because that will mean

I’m with you again

drowning in your touch

love is an ocean

love is an ocean

love is an ocean

please, oh please

my love,

please let me once

again hear

your deep blue song

please, oh please,

my love,

please let me make

you laugh

just one more time

oh my love,




Johnny K Roedel

John Roedel writes about autism, depression and his fear of clowns. Probably in that exact order.