30 Day Challenges — My Opinion

Johnny’s Two Cents
3 min readJan 30, 2019
30 days to try something bold, and make an positive impact on your life.

I can’t claim credit for this video, but I want you to watch it. At just 3 minutes in length, I think you can manage it. You don’t have to watch it if you don’t want to, just move on to the article. (You should watch the video though, it is both funny and enlightening)

Don’t worry…It’s worth 3 minutes of your life.

Interesting, isn’t it? (If you decided to watch it). Moving on.

I wanted to write about something that a lot of you have probably heard of, 30 day challenges. And for those of you who haven’t heard of them, I will offer you a brief explanation.

What Is A 30 Day Challenge

The idea behind the 30 day challenge is to change up your regular routine, and hopefully make an improvement in your life, or at the very least, try something new for 30 days. You pick something that you have always wanted to do or learn, and you try it. For 30 days in a row, without taking a break. Choose something that is meaningful, and will hopefully make a lasting change in your life, or at least improve your life for 30 days.

My Opinion

I think these are fascinating and while I’ve never tried one, I intend to start one this February. I haven’t decided on what I’m going to try, but I’ll keep you guys updated for sure. I think these can be so beneficial to try, and I would highly encourage you to pick one to try, just like I am going to. You can accomplish so much in a short amount of time if you set your mind to it, and that is why I love the idea so much.

At the end of a 30 day challenge you could be so much further along the path to your dreams than you were in the beginning. If you chose to do a 30 day morning routine, and got up 60 minutes earlier than you normally do, imagine what you could accomplish. You could start working out, you could start meditating, praying, sitting outside, blogging, or basically anything you wanted.

Whether or not you decide to wake up early, start a business, workout, journal daily, or anything else that you’d like to try, it’s worth it to start with 30 days and see where you end up.


I love the idea of a 30 day challenge, and I’m looking forward to starting mine in the coming month. I will find a way to keep you guys updated daily about my progress, and I want to hear what you will be trying out. Let me know in the replies what you will be trying, and how it works out for you.

I know this was a shorter article than I usually post, but I wanted it to be short, and to the point. If there was one thing I want you to do after reading this, it is to figure out something that you want to try out, and try it out for the next 30 days. See where it leads you.

Until next time,




Johnny’s Two Cents

Self-improvement | Business | Inspiration | Insights | Helping you achieve your goals, grow your business, get inspired, and become a smarter, better person