How to Become an Amazingly Successful Motivational Speaker

using this simple formula

johnny trevisani
4 min readApr 8, 2018
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Great! So you’ve decided that you want to be a motivational speaker. Well, with Tony Robbins getting older and Wayne Dyer still dead, the world is going to need more. But before you head out and start filming your DVD series, there are a few things that you should consider.

Remember, first, and foremost, you are an entertainer. And with entertainment there is a clear formula for doing killer motivational speaking. Follow these steps and you can’t miss!

1: Don’t Be Yourself

You’re not that interesting. You might think that you are interesting, but in reality, most people aren’t. People want to be entertained. So be interesting. Be unique. Develop a killer persona.

2: Create a Memorable Name

Your name is your brand and stage names are required. Keep your name short on syllables. Try to keep the total number of syllables (first and sir name) to under five. Something like “Brock Lovington” or “Steel Manley” might work.

Use this online tool to help you.

3: Learn the Art of Spinning

I’m not referring to going to your gym and getting on a stationary bike. I’m referring to learning the art of spinning words to suit your aim.

All motivational speakers are great storytellers. And when they tell a story, it doesn’t have to be real, it just has to be believable. Don’t focus on the truth; no one will fact check you. Spin your story to suit your goal and you’re golden.

4: Know Your Audience

Paint a mental picture of your audience. What do they look like? What do they eat? What is their deepest, darkest secret?

When you have a clear picture of your audience, craft a message to exploit their fears and biases.

5: Define a 7 Step Program

Almost every motivational speaker uses a stepped method program. And using the bible methodology of sevens, motivational speakers use the same.

Say, for example, you want to get in on the self-help bandwagon but don’t know where to start. Some people figure out a new angle to an old problem. Some rehash old ideas. Do what feels comfortable for you. Remember, if you believe it, your audience will believe it.

6: Write a Book

Having “Author” next to your name carries a lot of weight. Being an author, elevates your stature. It gets you on podcasts, into speaker engagements, and separates you from the unpublished masses. It doesn’t matter if the book relates to the subject that you speaking about, just publish something. Don’t fret over whether your book is good or not. Just publish something to get the title next to your name. Remember, titles next to your name, imply credibility. And now, with Amazon’s Self Publishing, you can become an author overnight.

7: Develop a Killer Slogan

Your program needs a catchy slogan. Something that is short, memorable, and can be trademarked. Alliterations are perfect here. The more memorable, the better. The actual slogan is completely up to you. If you’re stuck with developing your own slogan, you can use a number of various online tools to help you define a slogan.

8: Get Credentials

Join The National Speakers Association. It’s a nationally recognized speaker organization. Sure, it costs money but outside of cash, you need no other credentials and it gets you initials to put next to your name.

9: Be Funny: Remember the Rule of Threes for Humor

The rule of threes is a standard device for humor. In your joke, list two serious things and then let the third thing be absurd and shocking.

For example:

President Trump said that he was never afraid of anything except, ex-wives, ex-mistresses, and special prosecutors that he can’t fire.

Tell your smart and witty anecdotes with humor. While your audience is laughing, they won’t worry whether your story is truthful or not.

10: Look Good

Have great teeth. People will not listen to anyone that doesn’t have great teeth.

Have a fit look. If you can’t workout, try playing around with your outfit. You don’t have to be in a tuxedo or a gown, just something that is clean and makes you look like you work out.

I hope this has helped you to develop the motivational speaker inside you. Use these techniques and concepts to accomplish your goals and achieve success. Be the best yourself has to offer, or whatever Tony Robbins says…

See you on PBS!



johnny trevisani

Amateur human looking to turn pro. Author of The Serial Killer Quote of the Day, available through Strawberry Books.