Photo by Zac Durant on Unsplash

10 Ways to Drastically Improve Your Life

Johnny Webber


1. Move to a big city. Big cities provide opportunities you would never have access to in small towns with its plethora of professions, people, and happenings.

2. Create a book, podcast, video, or blog post. Create a following. Use the power of media to bring your voice to millions of people.

3. Meet new people. Every person you meet opens new opportunities. The number one way to find a new job is through someone you know. Heck, you might even find the love of your life.

4. Read a classic book. Classics stand the test of time for a reason. They improve your vocabulary, boost your intelligence, and impart knowledge that has been deemed valuable for generations.

5. Read multiple books at once. There is a ton of wisdom out there waiting to be eaten up and only a finite amount of time in which to do it. Read what interests you. Don’t be afraid to skip around or stop reading if the book isn’t working for you.

6. Start a business. Take control over your work life. Put your financial future in your own hands.

7. Buy Bitcoin. Or another cryptocurrency of your preference. It might be a risky investment, but the risk pales in comparison to the potential return. You don’t even have to spend money to make cryptocurrency.

8. Invest your money. Angel investing isn’t an option for everyone, but that doesn’t mean you can’t use your money to make more money. Invest in the stock market. At the very least, everyone should have a retirement fund.

9. Start a weightlifting habit. Exercise will give you health, confidence, and energy, and lifting weights is the quickest and easiest way to achieve those ends.

10. Invest in yourself. Take a class that teaches you a skill you can use the rest of your life. Check your local junior college for available community programs.

