Catheter for Urinary Incontinence: Everything You Need to Know About

2 min readFeb 7, 2022


A catheter for urinary incontinence is a thin and flexible tube to drain urine from the urinary bladder. It may be essential for a patient to use male or female external catheters if they’re experiencing exertion passing urine. The following article outlines everything you need to know about a catheter for urinary incontinence.

A urinary catheter is a partially flexible and hollow tube that gathers urine from the urinary bladder. You can find a broad range of catheters such as silicone, plastic and rubber — they come in several types and sizes.

Catheters are usually important when people find it hard to empty their bladder naturally that can lead to unbearable pressure in kidneys that potentially can be a reason for kidney failure or permanent kidney damage. Experts suggest that most female or male external catheters are required until patients regain their capability to urinate through a natural procedure.

Elders experiencing incontinence issues or people with severe illness or permanent injury might be required to use a catheter for urinary incontinence permanently or for a longer time.

Uses of Catheters

Doctors may suggest a urinary catheter to a person who has been experiencing issues while urinating. A few reasons to use a catheter may include:

  1. Tumours in the reproductive organs or urinary tract
  2. Nerve damage or bladder weakness
  3. Bladder stones, ureter, or kidney
  4. Birth blemishes distress the urinary tract
  5. An inflamed prostate gland in males
  6. Injuries in the urethra (a tube that carries urine out of the bladder)
  7. A blockage in the urethra

A healthcare professional may also suggest you use a urinary catheter:

  1. To deliver suppository (medicine) directly to the urinary bladder
  2. To drain bladder post epidural anaesthetic or during childbirth
  3. To drain the bladder after, before, or during a surgery
  4. To precisely measure urine output in censoriously ill people
  5. To treat an individual with urinary incontinence


The urinary catheters are the essential aid for individuals who have exerted passing urine. There are numerous types and sizes of catheters available in the market. However, it is essential to consult a doctor before using any product. If you’re commuting through public transport or exploring jungles or tracks, you can prefer to carry a catheter in order to avoid unhygienic public toilets or to answer nature’s call.

