October is National Mental Health Awareness Month

John Patrick Moglia
5 min readSep 21, 2022


The month of May is known as Mental Health Awareness Month, and its primary purpose is to educate people about mental illnesses. This month is commemorated with gatherings of the local community, showings of films, and publicity in the media. People may contribute to the reduction of the stigma that is associated with mental illness by increasing knowledge about the condition. This month is dedicated to raising awareness of and providing access to tools that can help improve mental health and overall well-being.

Awareness of mental health issues and mental illness is a very important goal throughout May. According to the statistics, one in every five individuals will be affected by a mental disorder throughout any given year. In addition, between the ages of thirteen and eighteen, one in every five teenagers will struggle with a mental condition. There is a wide variety of approaches that may be used to educate people about mental diseases and aid in their prevention. Mental illness affects a large percentage of the population and does not favor any one particular demographic in particular. The stigma that is associated with mental illness is something that is hoped to be reduced as part of Mental Health Awareness Month.

Additionally, the month of May is recognized as National Suicide Prevention Month. Even though May is a highly significant month for bringing attention to the issue of suicide prevention and awareness, it may be a challenging time for anybody to have a conversation about mental illness. It is exceedingly challenging for people to discuss their mental health due to the stigma that is connected with mental illness.

Businesses must promoteawareness of mental health issues and educate their workforce on the significance of the issue of mental illness. Both the suicide rate among adolescents and the number of trips they make to emergency rooms have reached epidemic proportions. The percentages are notably high among young people who are members of a minority. According to the findings of one study, the risk of suicide among young African Americans and Native Americans increased by fifty percent.

There is an estimated prevalence of mental illness in children and adolescents of around 46%, as well as in roughly 19% of the adult population. It has the potential to have a significant impact on an individual’s life, as well as to result in higher medical bills and social stigma. Additionally, it can contribute to poor performance in the job, diminished employment chances, and an increased risk of suicidal thoughts and behaviors. Thankfully, some approaches maybe taken to lessen the negative connotations associated with mental illness and boost awareness of the topic.

The conversation is one of the most effective tools for increasing awareness and comprehension of mental illness. Because it’s easy for children to get the concepts of mental health and mental illness mixed up, adults must clarifythese concepts for them. This month’s focus on mental health is an excellent chance to have a conversation about mental illness with your kid. There is a wealth of material, including books and videos, at your disposal to assist you in teaching them. Having further dialogues regarding one’s mental health, though, may be quite daunting.

The non-profit organization known as Mental Health America works toward the goal of increasing awareness and comprehension of mental diseases. This group is a major champion for mental health concerns and works to raise awareness of mental illness by providing the general public with information, internet tools, and events to assist educate people on the subject. The work that they do guarantees that those who are dealing with mental illness may participate fully in society and defends the rights of those who do. In addition to this, they strive to elevate the standard of living for people afflicted with mental illness.

The month of May is designated as Mental Health Awareness Month, during which time we educate ourselves and others on the significance of maintaining good mental health. People have access to a large number of services that can assist them in improving their mental health. Blogs and videos, infographics, digital toolkits, social media involvement, and national events are some of the available materials. These tools aim to reduce the stigma that is associated with mental illness, encourage the early diagnosis and treatment of the condition, and enhance access to care. They not only push for change but also assist in the development of communities.

Recovery Ohio is a project that was developed by the Ohio Department of Health to raise awareness and provide services that enhance mental well-being. The goals of this effort are to: The program offers several resources, one of which is a free stress reduction tool that may be downloaded to encourage self-care and overall well-being. Additionally, it seeks to decrease stigma and promote preventative strategies that are supported by science.

By making available support to workers, employers may require better aid employees in addressing their concerns regarding their mental health in the workplace. Employees consistently rank support for mental health as one of the advantages they value most highly. A great number of workers have been having trouble juggling their obligations at home and work, and they want assistance to manage. Taking one’s mental health seriously should be an essential component of the culture of any firm.

There is a substantial body of data to show that efforts to decrease stigma can enhance treatment and lessen the burden placed on those who suffer from mental illness. In general, the purpose of these efforts should be to discourage people from socially isolating themselves and to urge others to seek treatment for their disorders. The process of eliminating stigma, on the other hand, is not always a straightforward one. It is necessary to take into account several issues, one of which is how individuals, their family members, and the members of their community experience stigma.

People need to be educated about mental health as the first step in the process of decreasing stigma. It is possible to achieve this goal through the sharing of direct personal experiences as well as anecdotes about people you know who have a mental condition. According to research, having a personal connection to someone who suffers from a mental illness might make one’s own experience of the condition more bearable and relevant. In addition, the attempts to remove stigma are more successful when they are tailored to target a particular population of people. One-off treatments have a limited impact on the overall goal of decreasing stigma. Additionally, it is essential to collaborate with the media to bring concerns about mental health to the attention of the general public.

Altering the language that is used to talk about mental illness is another strategy for combating the negative connotations that are often attached to it. For instance, the term “commit” gives the impression that someone is engaging in sinful behavior or is being self-centered. Because of this, it is preferable to use language that is not connected to any sort of stigma, and that speaks directly to the experience of a person.



John Patrick Moglia

John P. Moglia was born in 1965 in Chelmsford, England. His family had relocated there a year before for his father’s job.