Top 10 Foods To Avoid During Your Weight Loss Diet

2 min readSep 11, 2017


Losing weight doesn’t mean you need to sacrifice all your favorite foods over night. You can eat your favorite foods by cutting down eatables which contain high amounts of fat and sugar. We should have a proper knowledge about foods which we consume in our regular diet, and make sure they don’t harm us in future. So check out these top 10 foods to ignore in a weight loss diet, and ban them permanently from your regular diets as much as you can.

Avoid White Flour

Breads, pastas and noodles are some of the common foods which are highly consumed. These foods are made up of white flour, which can lead to high blood pressure, heart attack, obesity, high cholesterol and other health issues. Make sure to keep white flour out of diet chart, and replace it with wheat flour and other healthy recipes. So instead of eating white flour pastas and bread, its better to replace them with foods made of wheat flour like brown bread.

Examples of White Flour: Croissants, donuts, bagels, cakes and cookies, pancakes, waffles, biscuits and rolls, Pasta, macaroni and cheese, fast food burger buns, pizza, bread sticks.

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