The Big Leaps
1 min readMar 18, 2019
My usual list-compulsion. This time…the big leaps I observe teams taking in their product development related continuous improvement journey
- Fully cross-functional teams (w/dedicated team members including UX and testers)
- Teams have direct access to customers/users
- Team operates as a team (not a work-group, many teams of one)
- Opportunity focused roadmap (vs. solution focused)
- Teams have direct access to insights/data
- Team able to link day-to-day work to core company bets (short/mid/long term)
- Design involved in opportunity and solution exploration/research
- Developers involved in opportunity and solution exploration/research
- “Non customer-facing” work viewed as equal to customer-facing work
- Products, capabilities, missions, and services over projects
- Embrace DevOps and related practices (e.g. CI/CD, trunk-based dev, etc.)
- Quality/craft is valued. Minimal amount of reactive/failure-mode work
- Value stream orientation vs. structuring around components, technology
- Team funded based on outcomes/capabilities vs. project completio
- Managers shift perspective to servant leadership — facilitators, coaches, catalysts
- Shift to smaller batches and more frequent integration/deployment
- Ability to run multiple, concurrent, context-dependent operating models across org
- Thoughtful approach to increasing organizational resiliency/adaptability/anti-fragility
- Shift from delivery stance, to learning/innovation/differentiation stance
- Balanced portfolio of bets. Risk and uncertainty exploited (not avoided)