Peak Human?

John Pearce
3 min readNov 5, 2022

Have we peaked? Not long ago there was much debate over what would happen when we reach “peak oil”. The theory was that humanity would be threatened with collapse when we reached the point where Earth’s oil reserves were halfway towards being exhausted. Just the threat of scarcity would cause the oil price to rocket, and increase the risk of resource wars and rampant inflation.

It was suggested by some commentators, such as Jeremy Leggett, a former climate campaigner with Greenpeace International and then a director of “Solar Century”, that peak oil could arrive as early as 2010. He claimed in his book…



John Pearce

Editor of "Eco", and former editor of “Green News”, and Green Party magazine “Green World". Featured in "Ecologist". Author of “Gaia” & "The Little Green Book".