quiznoob — creating quiz content

John Callahan
2 min readFeb 5, 2018


In part 1, you uploaded 1 quiz included in the github distribution (data/qn_mathematics_9x.xlsx). Let’s examine that spreadsheet:

It’s pretty simple: create a list of questions with the following columns:

  • quiz: the name of the quiz for this question
  • question: the text of the question
  • url: the URL of any image (if any)
  • points: how many hearts this question is worth
  • answer: the answer
  • alt1, alt2, alt3, alt4, and alt5: alternative answers INCLUDING the correct answer

I usually repeat the answer in the alt1 field, but YMMV. The Question import capability doesn’t currently work with multiple worksheets, but you can create lots of questions in the same or different Excel files. When you have new questions, go to the Questions tab in the quiznoob server dashboard and import them just like in part 1.


The best place to put images is in your Public folder on Dropbox. For example, here is a quiz for European countries:

In Dropbox, you can upload images to your Public folder or any subfolder under your Public folder and then “Share” the file to the internet:

Click on the “Share” button for a file:

then click on “Create a link”:

and click the “Copy link” to copy the generated link into your clipboard. In the quiz spreadsheet, you can paste the link in the url field of a question. The copied link will look like this:


but the suffix query string “dl=0” must be changed to “raw=1”:


in order that the image is served directly to the mobile app. That’s it! Now you can create new Geography (a new Subject!) quizzes that have questions like:

