How To Report Facebook Hacker

5 min readAug 23, 2023

In the age of interconnectedness, social media has become an integral part of our lives. Unfortunately, this digital landscape isn’t immune to threats, and one such concern is the presence of hackers who seek to compromise our online identities. If you’ve ever found yourself in the unfortunate situation of dealing with a hacked Facebook account, fear not. This comprehensive guide will walk you through the process of reporting a facebook hacker and regaining control of your account.

facebook hacker

*1. Act Swiftly and Secure Your Account

The moment you suspect your Facebook account has been compromised, take immediate action. Change your password to a strong combination of characters, including uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and symbols. Log out of all active sessions to prevent unauthorized access.

*2. Gather Evidence for Reporting

Before reporting the hacker, gather evidence of any unauthorized activities or messages sent from your account. Screenshots and timestamps of suspicious activities can be invaluable during the reporting process.

*3. Navigate to the Help Center

Access the Facebook Help Center using a web browser. Use the search bar to find the specific help article related to reporting a hacked account.

*4. Follow Facebook’s Guidelines

Carefully follow the instructions outlined in Facebook’s help article. You’ll likely be required to provide details about the compromised account and the unauthorized activities associated with it. Facebook’s reporting process is designed to gather essential information to initiate an investigation.

*5. Secure Other Accounts

If you’ve been using the same password for other online accounts, it’s crucial to change those passwords immediately. Hackers often attempt to use compromised credentials to access various accounts.

*6. Enable Two-Factor Authentication (2FA)

Once you regain control of your Facebook account, strengthen its security by enabling two-factor authentication. This extra layer of protection requires a code from your mobile device in addition to your password when logging in.

*7. Review and Reverse Unauthorized Changes

Carefully review your account settings, privacy preferences, and any changes made by the hacker. Undo any modifications that were not made by you.

*8. Inform Your Contacts

If the hacker used your account to send malicious messages or posts, inform your contacts about the breach. Advise them not to click on any suspicious links or download any files.

*9. Stay Vigilant and Educated

Even after following these steps, stay vigilant for any unusual activities on your account. Hackers might attempt to regain access. Educate yourself about online security practices, including updating passwords regularly, being cautious of phishing attempts, and safeguarding your personal information.

*10. Spread Awareness

Share your experience with friends and family to raise awareness about the importance of online security. The more informed people are, the better prepared they’ll be to handle similar situations.

Where can I report a hacker in Facebook?

To report a hacker on Facebook, follow these steps:

  1. Log In to Your Account: Log in to your Facebook account using a web browser or the Facebook app.
  2. Go to Help Center: In the top-right corner of the Facebook page, click on the small question mark icon to access the Help Center.
  3. Search for ‘Hacked Account’: In the search bar at the top of the Help Center, type in “Hacked Account” and press Enter.
  4. Select the Relevant Article: Look for the official Facebook help article related to reporting a hacked account. It should provide guidance on what to do if your account has been compromised.
  5. Follow Instructions: Open the article and carefully read the instructions provided. The article will guide you through the reporting process and may require you to provide specific information about your compromised account.
  6. Click on ‘Get Started’: Often, the help article will have a “Get Started” button or link. Click on it to initiate the reporting process.
  7. Provide Information: Follow the prompts and provide the necessary information about your compromised account. This might include details about suspicious activities, unauthorized logins, or any other relevant information.
  8. Submit the Report: After providing all the required information, submit the report. Facebook’s security team will review the information you’ve provided and take appropriate action.

What are you supposed to do when you get hacked on Facebook?

If you suspect that your Facebook account has been hacked, it’s important to take immediate action to protect your personal information and regain control of your account. Here’s a step-by-step guide on what to do when you get hacked on Facebook:

Change Your Password:

  • Log in to your Facebook account using a web browser or the app, if possible.
  • Go to the settings or account settings section.
  • Look for the “Security and Login” option and click on it.
  • Locate the “Change Password” option and create a strong, unique password. Make sure to use a combination of letters, numbers, and symbols.

Log Out of All Sessions:

  • In the “Security and Login” section, find the “Where You’ve Logged In” section.
  • Review the list of active sessions and devices. If you see any unfamiliar sessions or devices, click “Log Out” to end those sessions.

Enable Two-Factor Authentication (2FA):

  • In the “Security and Login” section, find the “Two-Factor Authentication” option.
  • Follow the prompts to enable 2FA. This adds an extra layer of security by requiring a code from your mobile device to log in.

Can I recover my hacked Facebook?

Yes, you can recover your hacked Facebook account by following a series of steps to regain control and secure your account. Here’s a guide on how to do it:

Recover Your Account:

  • If you can’t access your account, go to the Facebook login page and click on “Forgot Password?”.
  • Enter your email address, phone number, or username associated with your account. Follow the prompts to reset your password.

Secure Your Account:

  • After regaining access, go to “Security and Login” in your settings.
  • Enable two-factor authentication (2FA) for an extra layer of security.

Check for Unauthorized Changes:

  • Review your account settings, contact information, and recent activities. Make sure the hacker didn’t make any unauthorized changes.

Report the Hack to Facebook:

  • If you believe your account was hacked, report it to Facebook through the Help Center.
  • Search for “Hacked Account” and follow the steps to report the issue and provide relevant information.

Inform Contacts:

  • If the hacker sent messages or posts from your account, let your friends and contacts know about the breach so they don’t fall victim to any scams.

Be Cautious in the Future:

  • Learn from the experience and practice better online security habits. Use unique passwords, be cautious of suspicious links, and avoid sharing sensitive information online.

Stay Vigilant:

  • Even after recovering your account, keep an eye on your account for any unusual activities and stay informed about online security practices.

Recovering a hacked Facebook account is possible with swift action and following the appropriate security measures. By following these steps, you can regain control of your account and ensure the safety of your personal information.


In a world where our digital presence is a significant part of our identity, knowing how to handle a facebook hacker is empowering. By acting swiftly, following the reporting process, and implementing security measures, you can protect your online persona and contribute to a safer online community. Remember, you’re not alone — Facebook’s resources and the collective knowledge of online security experts are there to support you in your journey to reclaiming your account.




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