John Rose of Oak Bluffs Discusses Why We Need EMTs
John Rose of Oak Bluffs: Getting to Know EMTs
Emergency medical technicians, or EMTs, are, more often than not, the first to respond to a medical emergency.
John Rose of Oak Bluffs notes that the job of an EMT demands quick thinking and presence of mind since they often find themselves on the front lines in emergency medical settings such as fires, accidents, and natural disasters. In a lot of cases, people’s lives depend on the EMT’s quick action and competent care.
Regardless of the level of training, EMTs are always called to work at any time. Their job can be physically and emotionally taxing, not to mention risky, especially when assisting patients with infectious diseases. Still, thousands have signed up for the job in their desire to save lives.
A few facts about EMTs
Fact #1: EMTs work with paramedics, firefighters, and police officers for the best all-around emergency care. As for their duties, EMTs are trained to respond to calls for emergency medical assistance and provide basic life support to patients before they are transported to a medical facility. They also determine the right course of action after assessing the patient’s condition and provide life saving intervention like CPR.
Fact #2: EMTs are trained in controlling bleeding, bandaging injuries, and the use of automated external defibrillators (AEDs). When needed, they can administer oral glucose, epipens, and other life saving medication, as well as create patient care reports while documenting all procedures performed on the patient.
Fact #3: EMTs can do additional work depending on their level of training and experience and following state regulations. For example, EMTs with advanced training can perform cardiac monitoring, administration of intravenous treatment, and advanced airway techniques.
Fact #4: EMT-paramedics have the highest level of training and can perform a greater number of duties, including evaluation of medical records, 12 lead interation, cardiac monitoring, interveis medications, and performing nasogastric intubation, chest decompression, C-PAP, to list just a few adds John Rose from Oak Bluffs.
The Qualities of an EMT
1. EMTs are physically fit and mentally sound.
Being an EMT requires a high level of physical fitness as well as problem-solving skills. John Rose from Oak Bluffs says these are needed to work effectively and efficiently in very stressful scenarios. The ability to think fast and act quickly has always been an essential skill in this profession.
2. EMTs are well-balanced and emotionally stable.
EMTs almost always meet people in a time of crisis. Both the EMTs and the people they meet need both physical and emotional care. If you can strike that balance, then you can be an effective EMT.
3. EMTs have a genuine desire to help others.
There are a few vital personal skills you need to be a decent EMT, such as quick decision-making and problem-solving, empathy and understanding, good listening and patience, compassion and caring, mental resiliency, and effective communication.
4. EMTs are well-trained and technically proficient.
John Rose of Oak Bluffs says that some critical technical skills you will learn as part of your EMT training include CPR, vital signs, trauma skills, life support, EMT-B, various medical equipment found in an ambulance, and Emergency Medical Services (EMS) procedures and operations.
John Rose, an Oak Bluffs, Martha’s Vineyard native, excelled as a multi-sport athlete in high school, notably leading the golf team as captain. These days, apart from golf, he enjoys fishing, hiking, skiing, and cycling, embracing both community dedication and an adventurous spirit. He also strives to impact the lives of Oak Bluffs residents positively. For more of his insights, visit this page.