John Scandalios
3 min readApr 19, 2018

James J. Dillon vs Congressman Joe Crowley “MAN AGAINST MACHINE” A Rematch 20 Years Later

James J. Dillon — 2018 Reform Party nominee for New York Congressional District 14, Photo courtesy of James J. Dillon

April 19, 2018 — Sunnyside, New York — James J. Dillon immigrated to the United States from Northern Ireland at the age 5. In his teens, Dillon became a rough and tough light-heavyweight boxer going by the name “Mad Dog” Jim Dillon.

It is now the year 2018 and Jim Dillon, 69 years old , has a big rematch scheduled for November 6th.

However, it won’t be a boxing rematch come this November. Instead, Mad Dog Jim Dillon wants to avenge a loss he took 20 years ago on election day, November 3, 1998, when he ran for Congress against now political heavyweight Joseph Crowley, 56 years old, who is the number 4 ranked Democrat in the U.S. House of Representatives, a 20-year incumbent Congressman representing parts of Queens and Bronx, and next in line to follow Nancy Pelosi as House Democratic leader.

In the 1980’s, Crowley and Dillon, friends and both members of the Justice William Brennan Democratic Club, took bus trips together to Washington DC to fight for the neighborhood they shared.

Representative Joseph Crowley, Photo Facebook

In 1998, 14-year incumbent Congressman Thomas J. Matton, surprisingly vacated his unchallenged Democratic Party Primary ballot position on the last possible day and subsequently arranged for his protégé, then Assemblyman Joe Crowley, to fill that vacancy on the Democratic line. With no other way for a Democrat to get on the Democratic Primary ballot, James J. Dillon managed to get enough petition signatures to become the Republican nominee, which made Dillon the only MAN obstructing Crowley’s path to Washington DC. In a heavily Democratic Congressional District, Joe Crowley (67%) defeated Jim Dillon (27%), despite Dillon’s claim, “I debated Crowley in 1998 on Channel 21 and I beat him handily!”

Crowley went on to succeed Matton as the Chair of the Queens County Democratic Party, widely known simply as “THE MACHINE” due to their long history of disenfranchising challengers to their endorsed candidates by removing them from the ballot with machine-like precision.

Jim Dillon, a Queens resident for 65 years, was elected Chair of Queens Community Board 2 in 1986 and 1987, where his efforts induced Citicorp to include a 24,000 square foot rent-free library for 20-years, as part of Citicorp at Court House Square Project; he also induced the inclusion of a free interchange between the “G” and the “E” and “F” subway lines at Ely Avenue/23rd Street. Dillon’s civic activities over the years have brought hundreds of thousands of dollars of youth and senior programs into Sunnyside, Woodside, and L.I.C. area.

Dillon also ran for New York City Council in 1993, being defeated by the late Walter L. McCaffrey. Dillon has a B.A. from Queens College and a Masters degree from Cornell University/Baruch College.

Dillon went on to have a legendary 25-year career as a New York State Investigator.

Dillon is self-funding his campaign and is a relentless campaigner as he has been seen for months campaigning all over his Congressional district. Jim Dillon is a registered Democrat and is the Reform Party nominee for NY Congressional District 14.

Dillon is billing his 2018 Congressional campaign as, “MAN AGAINST MACHINE!”.

So folks, don’t miss this rematch 20 years later of 2 heavyweights, “Mad Dog” Jim Dillon versus “The Machine” Joe Crowley, to be held on Tuesday, 6 November 2018 at a poll site near you!

“MAN AGAINST MACHINE!” James J. Dillon for Congress Campaign Button

— Written by John Scandalios

Candidate James J. Dillon can be contacted by email at