Why It Is Important To Follow Your Dreams?

John Shepherd
3 min readJul 14, 2018


Follow your dreams, they know the way.

You may have heard a thousand times in your life from different people to follow your dreams because it is an inspirational mainstay which keeps you going in life. Nothing can give you satisfaction and contentment in life except pursuing your dreams. You may have to go through a lot of pressure and stress in the way of achieving your goals, but it is all worth it when you achieve what you want in life. No matter what happens, when it comes to chasing your dreams you have to be firm and determinant in achieving your objectives in life. Whether it is about completing your daily tasks or writing your pending dissertation, you have to keep everything secondary if you want to achieve big in life. It is pointless to invest time and energy in writing dissertation when you can request ‘do my dissertation’ from an dissertation writing service for with a well-written and well-structured essays on-time. To live the life you always wanted, it is important to fulfill your dreams. But it is not easy to face every hurdle that comes your way, because it demands a lot of physical and emotional strength to pass through every hurdle successfully. No matter how hard it is or what it takes to go after your dreams you must not give up on it. Some of the important reasons to chase your ambitions are discussed below, reading them will urge you to be bold enough and brave enough to get what you aim in life.

Reason to Live: A soul without a high aim is like a ship without a rudder, because a rudder of the ship is the only thing that steers it to a destined place. In the same way, a goal or aim in life allows you to reach your destination in life, without any object it is definitely impossible to enjoy the essence of life. Living an aimless life is one of the major reasons that give birth to malicious and wicked thoughts in your mind. Therefore, you must be goal-oriented in order to spend it in a meaningful and respectful manner. From the moment you decide to follow a specific path, your mind starts formulating and working in order to make things possible. It is necessary to hold on to your aims and objectives for getting a purpose in life.

Satisfaction and Contentment: Nothing can make you feel good in life except satisfaction and contentment, because happiness is ultimately associated with it. Everything seems well when you are satisfied with what you are doing. Instead of living a depressing and purposeless life, one should chase the dreams in order to attain satisfaction and happiness in life. People who are focussed and determinant are more likely to achieve happiness because they spend their lives in striving for it.

Motivate and Inspire People: The significance of motivation in the life of people is under-estimated, they don’t know that they can bring miraculous changes in an individual’s life by motivating or inspiring him. In order to inspire others, you must do something extraordinary and unusual which is totally out of your comfort zone. When people will see you striving and toiling for fulfilling your dream, they will follow in your footsteps to make their life meaningful and productive. Having a zeal to do something great in life derives you to become a better individual and helps you in taking control of your life.

All the people who criticise you for your big dreams, they themselves underestimate their own power to achieve their dreams. Like though, is meaningless without all those big aspirations. Dreams’ and the motivation to make them reality is all that keep human going in life.

