Aligning Your Vision with God’s Plan for Your Life

3 min readAug 24, 2023


Life is a journey, an intricate tapestry woven with our dreams, ambitions, and aspirations. Yet, in the midst of our desires, it’s crucial to consider whether our vision for our lives aligns with a higher purpose — God’s plan. This profound question was recently explored by Pastor Steven Gibbs in a captivating sermon that encouraged us to reflect on the essence of living our best, real life.

The Quest for Our Best, Real Life

Steve gibbs penticton, a beacon of spiritual wisdom, delivered a powerful message this past Sunday. He reminded us that the pursuit of a fulfilled life doesn’t begin with self-centered desires but with a willingness to sacrifice for the One who paid it all. In a world often dominated by personal ambitions and worldly success, Pastor Gibbs called us to pause, reflect, and realign our visions with God’s divine plan.

  1. Understanding God’s Plan

To align our vision with God’s plan, we must first seek to understand what His plan entails. According to the teachings of the Bible, God’s plan is one of love, purpose, and redemption. He desires a relationship with each of us and intends for us to experience a life that reflects His grace, mercy, and truth. As we delve deeper into His Word, we discover that our lives are part of a grander narrative, where we play unique roles in His divine story.

  1. Surrendering Our Desires

Living our best, real life begins with surrender. It means laying down our own ambitions and desires at the feet of the One who gave His all for us. This surrender involves acknowledging that our plans might not always align with God’s plans. We must be willing to let go of selfish pursuits and embrace His guidance, even when it takes us out of our comfort zones.

  1. Embracing Sacrifice

Sacrifice is a recurring theme in the Bible, and it’s central to aligning our vision with God’s plan. As Pastor Gibbs emphasized, Jesus Christ made the ultimate sacrifice for humanity on the cross. In our lives, this translates into being ready to give up anything that hinders our spiritual growth or prevents us from fulfilling our purpose. It could mean sacrificing our time, resources, or even certain relationships for the sake of God’s calling.

  1. Finding Purpose in Service

Service to others is a vital aspect of aligning our vision with God’s plan. Throughout the Bible, we see examples of individuals who discovered their purpose by serving others. Whether it was Moses leading the Israelites, Esther saving her people, or Jesus washing His disciples’ feet, service is a profound way to live out God’s plan for our lives.

  1. Pursuing Holiness

God’s plan for our lives also involves personal transformation. It’s a journey toward holiness and righteousness, aligning our character with His divine attributes. This requires continuous self-examination, repentance, and reliance on the Holy Spirit for guidance and strength.

  1. Trusting in His Timing

Patience is essential when seeking alignment with God’s plan. His timing often differs from our own, and delays or obstacles can be opportunities for growth and learning. Trusting in His perfect timing is a testament of our faith in His plan.


In conclusion, Pastor Steven Gibbs’ message prompts us to consider the alignment of our life vision with God’s plan. It’s a journey of understanding, surrender, sacrifice, service, holiness, and trust. As we embark on this path, we discover that God’s plan is not restrictive; rather, it’s liberating. It leads us to our best, real life — a life filled with purpose, joy, and fulfillment.

So, what is your vision for your life, and does it align with God’s plan? It’s a question worth pondering, for in the alignment of these two visions, we find the true essence of a meaningful and purposeful existence.

