Capital Technologies & Research____ PRIVACY IN YOUR HANDS

jacob johnson
4 min readAug 27, 2018



With the increasing speed, power, cloud services and millions of apps being available on mobile devices for every age group, the mobile threat landscape continues to grow.

With more people using their devices for online shopping, managing finances, paying bills and playing online games, the threat is all around us. The question is Who would be interested in the data on your smartphone? Companies, advertisers, cyber-criminals and in some situations, federal agencies would have “an interest” in the data stored in your smartphone. Apps can collect all sorts of data and transmit it to the app-maker and/or sell it to third-party advertisers. Ads from advertising networks running on some apps may change smartphone settings and take contact and other information without your permission. But, why are they interested in it is a big question that will be on the mind, large companies , obviously need datas for marketing purposes , to study the behavioral needs of consumers and target there products . The same cannot be said with Government officials who sniffed around with the camouflage of tackling criminals as a sole purpose of tapping into Datas secretly and without permissions.

We all have a right to privacy and it is our obligation to do our best to fight for it, to protect it, by any means necessary. And that is why Capital Technologies & Research decided to work on developing this revolutionizing communicating worldwide service. Capital Technologies & Research will revolutionize the current telecommunication industry, changing the economic and social landscape of digital media and communications worldwide, also making communication cheaper by reducing the cost of communication services and generally avoiding monthly payments, as well as to make the communication of users more confidential.

Tentatively, Capital Technologies & Research will launch a decentralized communication system, offering a whole new meaning to privacy, through which online conversations will be secure, so that confidential Datas is no longer in jeopardy. The protocol used provides one of the most secure solutions, with multiple levels of anonymity, by offering end-to-end encryption, using the blockchain technology which takes the central servers out of the equation, thus eliminating the existent security risks that mainstream apps from the market today have. To sum up in a few words the communication is relayed between multiple random nodes, making it untraceable and undecipherable to third parties.
You can read more on this by checking their website/ in the technical whitepaper.

Token Details

Total Tokens: 21000000000

Softcap: $4,642,115.63

Hardcap: $30,417,515.63

Token Main Sale price : $0.70

Project Type : Platform

Token Type: ERC-20

Accepted currency: ETH, BTC, LTC, DASH, ZCASH

Unique Team

Capital Technologies & Research have ambitious goals which will enable them to set new standards for the market. To achieve this goal a strong Team is built with all the necessary skills, talents and long-time experience needed for the project. Most of the team members on Capital Technologies & Research have verified LinkedIn profiles. This is all good because the more transparency a company have in regard to their team, the more trustworthy they typically are.


In today’s internet era, online data has a very high value, being collected and analyzed, or even stolen. That’s one more reason for us to strive to use messaging and voice call services through which we can have secure conversations, in a reliable and transparent manner.

Capital Technologies & Research have started their main sale / 1 CALL & 200 CALLG= $0.70 . you can get tokens by clicking this link

This article is just an extract of what Capital Technologies & Research have to offer. The whitepaper will provide an in-depth and thorough analysis of this wonderful project. You can click on the link below and find out more about this wonderful project.

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