Seal the Deal with Sparkle: A Guide to Choosing the Perfect Custom Wedding Ring Set

Cooper & Binkley Diamond Jewelers
2 min readFeb 28, 2024

Most brides often wonder which ring goes on first, their engagement ring or their wedding band. At the end of the day, it all comes down to your personal choice and what you prefer.

Usually Custom Jewelry In Birmingham, MI are placed on the left ring finger, followed by the engagement ring. However, nowadays a lot of couples are choosing to mix and match their jewelry sets and create a timeless piece that suits their style.

Tips to wear your wedding ring set

Your wedding Diamonds in Ann Arbor, MI is traditionally worn underneath your engagement ring so that it stays close to your heart. However, a lot of brides tend to pick a wedding band to place it on either side of their engagement ring.

You can even choose two bands to stack on either side of your ring for a glam feel. Some brides choose to wear their rings on necklaces to keep their hands free for work. Others prefer wearing their wedding band on top as it is the order in which they have received their rings.

Your local Jewelry Store in Ann Arbor, MI will tell you that you can even move your rings to other fingers. You can wear your engagement ring on your ring finger and then alternate your wedding band sets on another finger.

Some brides even choose an array of small and wide bands to make a set that looks a little more visually dynamic. Usually, the third band is gifted to the bride by her family members or her mother-in-law.

When planning your wedding band stack, look for matching elements in your rings like the metal, diamond shapes or stones. This will make your stack look more visually appealing.

You don’t need to invest in your stack right away. Some couples take some time and often look for pieces that are symbolic to them and resonate with their style. Don’t be afraid to try out different styles and stones, and pick the one that feels right for you.

The Bottom Line

When choosing a wedding ring stack, look for metals like platinum and yellow gold that are tough, durable and can easily weather daily wear and tear. You can also choose stones like diamonds, sapphires and rubies that are resilient and will not break or chip easily.

