Ethereum trading-New Platform Allows Speculating On The Color Of The Next Candlestick In The Price Chart

John The Trader
3 min readFeb 11, 2019


Last year saw a massive drop in Ethereum trading volume, along with the rest of crypto space. But the so-called crypto winter did not stop developers from building new and innovative platforms to solve persistent problems associated with centralized crypto exchanges and derivatives providers.

STIXEX interface is clean and easy to understand. Perfect for Ethereum trading.

One of those platforms is STIXEX. As I mentioned in the title of this post, it allows users to place trades on the color of the next candlestick in the ETH/USD price chart. All you have to do is pick “red” or “green” candle, and if your trade is successful, you’ll receive a fixed 90–92% profit after cashback bonuses. So for those interested in Ethereum trading, this is a very attractive derivatives instrument. All trades and payouts are made in Ether and the platform is built on Ethereum blockchain using smart contracts.

These implementations solve a multitude of problems associated with centralized derivatives providers. Let me list some of them:

Trust — It still remains a major obstacle for traders entering cryptocurrency space. It seems that not a month passes by without some story about a hacked exchange and stolen funds. And if it’s not a hack, then it’s a CEO of an exchange who dies suddenly without revealing access codes to cold storage where clients’ funds are held, as in the case of QuadrigaCX. The hits just keep on coming.

STIXEX solution — Ethereum trading is done directly between a trader’s personal crypto wallet and a platform’s smart contract. In other words, STIXEX does not hold clients’ funds nor does it require to make minimum deposits. If, for example, trader placed a trade on “red” 30-minute candle, then he only needs to deposit the amount of his bet and once the trade is complete he can withdraw his winnings first before placing another trade.

Another problem associated with the current bear market, or crypto winter as some like to call it, is reduced level of price volatility which is necessary for speculators to earn decent profits. Low volatility is forcing traders to migrate to cryptocurrency derivatives providers in order to leverage their trades and increase profitability. Unfortunately, there aren’t many platforms offering cryptocurrency derivatives, especially for those who are interested in Ethereum trading. Even if you use derivatives platforms like Bitmex, which allows you to leverage up to 100x, you still need at least some price movement to profit.

STIXEX solution — On STIXEX price volatility is not necessary in order to make significant profits. Even if your chosen candlestick moves only 1 cent or less, you will still receive fixed 90–92% payout.Your losses are also fixed to the amount of your trade. Due to these factors, your risk management when trading on STIXEX becomes simplified since you do not have to worry about price slippage or other problems associated with conventional Ethereum trading.

So, if you are looking for a platform that offers you a simple way to speculate on the price of Ethereum then STIXEX is perfect for you. If you wish to learn more, please watch this short video, it’s a really unique platform.

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