Being Funny

John Van Cott
1 min readMay 28, 2018


A boy’s take on real men (#1)

Photo by Alicia Jones on Unsplash

My brother is more of a real man than me. He’s smarter and he’s more serious and he’s always funny at the right times.

Any time he decides to, he can tell a joke. I laugh as hard as anyone because — he’s funny.

He’s no comedian though.

One thing about real men, they don’t stay too long on one activity unless it’s their job. They would get antsy and, besides, being funny has its parameters.

Real men know these parameters. At the right moment they move in, and at the right moment they move on to something else.

Let’s say we can’t stop laughing at a joke and we go on to laugh at the laughing. We usually love that. Invariably there’s a second joke, and I can’t stop myself from laughing and laughing at the laughing again.

Getting carried away like this is foregivable. Up to a point. A third time and I risk becoming an irritating little brother.

I hate when I do that.

Real men know when enough is enough.



John Van Cott

Spent years studying diarrhea to earn a degree. Why would I do that?