Pastil is one of the famous dishes in Mindanao

john von rey dullin
9 min readOct 6, 2023



What is Pastil?

Pastil, known interchangeably as pastel, emerges as a quintessential Filipino rice dish that captivates palates with its harmonious blend of textures and flavors. This delectable creation, adorned with its own unique cultural heritage, showcases the ingenuity and creativity that characterizes Filipino cuisine. Rooted in Maguindanao, this dish has extended its reach to become a beloved meal choice, particularly among the Muslim Filipino community in Mindanao.

At its core, Pastil offers a simple yet enticing composition. It features a foundation of steamed rice, accompanied by dry shredded beef, chicken, or fish — each variety contributing its distinct character to the dish. The final touch of elegance is the wrapping of the ensemble in banana leaves, infusing the meal with an inviting aroma that beckons the senses.

Origins and Culinary Legacy:

Maguindanao, a province rich in cultural heritage, serves as the birthplace of Pastil. Emerging from the Maguindanaon community, this dish encapsulates the essence of its origins through its preparation and presentation. As a region known for its vibrant traditions, Maguindanao instills its culinary creations with the stories and values that have shaped its identity over the years.

Pastil’s Reach:

Beyond Maguindanao’s borders, Pastil has transcended its humble beginnings to establish itself as a popular culinary choice in Mindanao. Particularly resonating within the Muslim Filipino community, this dish has found its place in the hearts and homes of many. The fusion of flavors and the skillful use of banana leaves for wrapping illustrate the deep connection between food and culture. Pastil, an emblem of shared experiences, brings communities together through the joy of dining.

Cultural Adaptations:

Pastil’s widespread popularity has led to a range of names used to refer to this delightful dish. In Maranao, it takes on the names patil, patel, patir, or pater, each reflecting the linguistic diversity that is an integral part of the Philippines’ cultural mosaic. In Iranun, it is recognized as paster. These variations stand as a testament to the dynamic evolution of Filipino cuisine and its ability to transcend linguistic boundaries.

Breakfast Tradition:

Pastil’s versatility is showcased in its role as a widespread, low-cost breakfast option. Particularly cherished among Muslim Filipinos in Mindanao, it serves as a flavorful and satisfying morning meal. The dish’s preparation, wrapped in banana leaves, offers a portable and convenient option for those on the go. The affordability of Pastil ensures that it remains accessible to all, embodying the spirit of unity through shared experiences.

Culinary Harmony:

Pastil’s appeal lies in its ability to create harmony among diverse flavors and textures. The marriage of tender meat with fragrant rice, enriched by the sautéed aromatics and seasonings, produces a symphony of taste that resonates with every bite. The use of banana leaves to encase the meal not only imparts a distinct flavor but also pays homage to the culinary practices of generations past. It’s a testament to the Filipino people’s resourcefulness and their connection to the natural world.

Embracing Tradition and Innovation:

In the realm of culinary arts, Pastil serves as an embodiment of the fusion between tradition and innovation. The art of preparing Pastil offers an opportunity for individuals to embrace age-old practices while infusing their creativity into the process. By adding their own unique touch, cooks can craft a rendition that captures the essence of the past while celebrating the present.

In essence, Pastil encapsulates the essence of Filipino cuisine — a blend of history, culture, and flavor. Its origins in Maguindanao reflect the province’s cultural heritage, while its popularity throughout Mindanao and beyond speaks to its universal appeal. As the aromatic aroma of banana leaves mingles with the savory richness of the dish, Pastil becomes a testament to the power of food to connect people, bridge traditions, and create shared memories.

Where did pastil come from in the Philippines?

Pastil, believed to have originated in Maguindanao, presents a straightforward cooking experience. It consists of rice as its base, adorned with the savory goodness of sautéed chicken, fish, or beef flakes. This dish, lovingly enveloped in a banana leaf, holds a significant place in Maguindanao’s bustling markets, pathways, and byways. Due to its affordability, it has earned the endearing title of the “Poor Man’s Meal.”How to Make Flavorful Maguindanao Pastil: Filipino Street Food Delight


Maguindanao’s fabulous street food, Pastil, is a delectable Filipino-packed rice plate, served with a twist — steamed rice cocooned in fragrant banana leaves. For this recipe, we’ll craft this mouthwatering dish using tender chicken. Whether you know it as Patel, Patel, partier, or patter in Marinara, we’re about to embark on a culinary adventure. Are you ready? Let’s cook it!


1 lb chicken breast (boiled)

1 large onion (minced)

1/2 cup chicken broth

2 tablespoons vegetable oil (more if needed)

4 tablespoons oyster sauce

4 tablespoons soy sauce

4 cloves garlic (minced)

4 red chilies

1/2 teaspoon salt

1/2 teaspoon pepper

A pinch of sugar

Banana leaves (for wrapping)

Cooked rice (for serving)


Prepare the Chicken:

Start by boiling the chicken breast until it’s tender and fully cooked.

Once cooked, use a stand mixer to shred the chicken. This method is particularly helpful when preparing a large batch of pastils.

Sauté the Aromatics:

Heat your vegetable oil in a saucepan over medium heat.

Sauté the minced garlic and onion until they turn fragrant and slightly translucent.

Add Shredded Chicken:

Incorporate the shredded chicken into the pan and sauté until it’s slightly toasted and gains a delightful aroma.

Sauce it Up:

Pour in the oyster sauce and soy sauce, giving the chicken a savory depth of flavor. Add the chicken broth to keep the mixture moist while cooking.

Season to Perfection:

Enhance the chicken mixture with a touch of salt and pepper, adjusting to your taste.

Optionally, add a pinch of sugar to balance the flavors. Adjust the sugariness according to your taste.

Add a Fiery Kick:

Introduce the red chilies to the pan, infusing the dish with a delightful heat.

Prepare the Banana Leaves:

Hold the banana leaves over an open flame briefly to make them pliable and easier to work with.


On a banana leaf, scoop a portion of cooked rice and shape it to your preference.

Place about two tablespoons of the prepared shredded chicken on top of the rice.

Wrap and Fold:

Carefully fold the banana leaves around the rice and chicken, ensuring the contents are securely wrapped.

Repeat and Serve:

Repeat the wrapping process with the remaining rice and chicken mixture.

Your flavorful Maguindanao Pastil is now ready to be enjoyed.


Congratulations! You’ve successfully crafted the delightful Maguindanao Pastil — a harmony of tender shredded chicken, aromatic sautéed aromatics, and delectable seasoning, all wrapped in the comforting embrace of banana leaves. This dish is not only a feast for the taste buds but also a celebration of Maguindanao’s culinary heritage. Enjoy this perfect hot lunch and share the joy with others. If this recipe has tantalized your taste buds, don’t hesitate to give it a try!

Where can you commonly see pastil vendors?


You can frequently find pastil being sold by street vendors and eateries situated in Muslim communities throughout Mindanao and various parts of the Philippines. For instance, in General Santos, a range of restaurants not only serves this flavorful dish but also pairs it with complementary side dishes.

What makes pastil so well-liked in Mindanao?


This traditional delicacy hails from Maguindanao and has earned its reputation as a timeless favorite. Pastil goes beyond special occasions; it’s an everyday delight. With its cost-effectiveness, a single serving typically priced between 10 to 18 pesos, it’s a budget-friendly option. Whether you’re looking for a morning pick-me-up, a satisfying lunch, or a hearty dinner, pastil is there to see you through the day without breaking the bank.

What sets Pastil apart in terms of its uniqueness?

Pastil holds a cherished place as a well-loved Filipino delicacy, delighting generations over the years. The distinctive fusion of flavors and aromatic spices, coupled with the artful utilization of banana leaves for both cooking and presentation, renders it an exceptionally unique dish. Whether savored as a morning treat, a quick snack, or a hearty entrée, Pastil encapsulates the vibrant and varied culinary heritage of the Philippines. By embracing this recipe and infusing it with your imaginative touch, you have the opportunity to craft a personalized rendition of Chicken Pastil that’s bound to win the hearts of your loved ones.



The journey through the rich tapestry of Pastil has unveiled not only a delightful Filipino culinary creation but also a reflection of heritage, culture, and unity. From its roots in Maguindanao to its presence as a beloved dish among diverse communities, Pastil is a dish that transcends mere sustenance to embody the spirit of tradition, innovation, and the art of shared moments.

Pastil’s origins, firmly rooted in Maguindanao, hold within them the essence of simplicity and resourcefulness. With its foundation in rice and sautéed meat, it showcases the ingenuity of crafting a satisfying meal from humble ingredients. The banana leaf wrapping not only imparts a unique aromatic essence but also speaks to the creative use of nature’s bounty in cooking — a testament to the harmonious relationship between culture and environment.

As we ventured into the process of crafting Pastil, we delved into a symphony of flavors and techniques. The interplay of textures, from the tender chicken to the aromatic spices, results in a masterpiece that tantalizes the senses. The heartwarming embrace of the banana leaves adds an element of rustic elegance to this dish, preserving age-old traditions in a world of culinary evolution.

Beyond its physical attributes, Pastil beckons us to explore the stories it carries. It’s more than just a meal; it’s a gateway to understanding Maguindanao’s history and its vibrant evolution through time. The term “Poor Man’s Meal” underscores its accessibility, inviting individuals from all walks of life to partake in its splendor. This inclusivity bridges communities, cultures, and generations, reinforcing the essence of unity that food often fosters.

The allure of Pastil radiates not only from its flavor but also from its role as a cornerstone of Filipino culinary diversity. It thrives as a cherished delight across Mindanao, recognized under various names in different communities. Its presence among vendors and eateries highlights its adaptability, fitting into both the bustling streets of local markets and the menus of established restaurants — a reflection of its universality.

Pastil’s popularity isn’t bound by special occasions; rather, it graces daily life with its affordability and versatility. Its position as a breakfast staple speaks to its role in fueling the day ahead. As the sun rises over Mindanao, pastil vendors ready their offerings, their presence an emblem of continuity, resilience, and the shared experience of food.

The beauty of Pastil lies in its ability to transcend boundaries. It bridges the gap between tradition and innovation, weaving a narrative that brings forth the essence of Maguindanao’s past while embracing the present. The combination of flavors is a testament to the versatility of Filipino cuisine, capturing the essence of a diverse and dynamic culture within a single dish.

Crafting your own rendition of Pastil becomes a journey of personal expression, an opportunity to infuse it with your creative touch while honoring its historical roots. In each bite, you taste the harmony of cultures, the craftsmanship of generations, and the legacy of Maguindanao’s vibrant community. As you explore the art of Pastil-making, remember that you’re not just creating a meal; you’re becoming a part of a living tradition.

In conclusion, Pastil is more than a dish; it’s a story. It is a story of humble beginnings, cultural exchange, and culinary ingenuity. As you savor its flavors and recreate it in your own kitchen, remember the history it carries — a tale of unity, diversity, and the shared joy of breaking bread. Let Pastil be a reminder that food has the power to connect us, preserve tradition, and create lasting memories.

Thank you for taking the time to delve into this exploration of Pastil. Your interest in Filipino culinary heritage and traditions is truly appreciated. May your culinary journey continue to be flavorful and enlightening! Cheers to you and God bless our families.

