When Rules Change

and why they do

John Wakahiu
2 min readDec 10, 2018
A man out on a journey in search of a wife / a photo by Ross Sneddon

The first time God created woman, things got really interesting. The man became poetic. And even the poem lines became a song. He was happy. He was excited. His future was bright.

What happened here? God literally handed man a woman. A wife. It was like a gift. He didn’t work hard to look or try finding a good wife.

Then sin crept in. Satan had a better deal. An appealing deal rather. And since the woman has influence, she influenced the man to eat. This is what makes men happy. That they were not the ones who sinned.

So they blame the woman. They transfer the blame. And they feel happy. They say the world would have been better if women never arrived.

So God heard this. The blame games and et al. And He changed how women arrived. The woman was not wrong. Neither was she the sinful one. Maybe it was how woman arrived that was wrong. Easy rather.

Things that come easy are easy to throw away.
So God said, “He who finds a wife, finds a good thing.”

This goes to men. And to women too. Especially to women. A man now has to go out and find a woman. Not in the world. But from God. He has hidden the good women because we first blamed Him and saw a mistake where there was perfection.

So if you’re out there finding a woman, I pray that you get a good deal. And the good deal, stay put and let the man find you. Stop marketing yourself in unseen attire, and funny walking style.

Real men find good deals.
Have a successful day. Won’t you?

