Why Is Amazon in Spanish?

How to change your language settings back to English.

John W. DeFeo
2 min readJan 22, 2021

Why is my Amazon homepage in Spanish? I didn’t change anything, and now that the drop menu is in Spanish, I don’t know where to click to change it back to English. Sound familiar? Don’t worry: Here is the link to change language settings on Amazon.com.

Amazon in Spanish
I clicked a link in Google expecting to go to Amazon.com. Instead, I was taken to Amazon ES (the Spanish version of Amazon). Because the page was written in Spanish, Amazon assumed that I wished to see the entire site in Spanish thereafter.

Amazon automatically changes language preferences when you click a foreign link. This is easy to do without realizing it, especially on Google. For example, I searched “Theo Big Daddy Marshmallows” and navigated to an Amazon listing. The search result snippet was in English, but the link pointed to Amazon ES (Spain). I clicked the link and quickly closed the tab because the product was unavailable.

It happened so quickly that I barely even remembered that the page was in Spanish. But, Amazon remembered and reset my language preferences accordingly. I was surprised the next time I logged on.

If I had clicked on a German link, my Amazon homepage would have been in German. If I had clicked a French link, my Amazon homepage would have been in French. It’s an annoying feature, but it’s not a bug.

About the Author: John DeFeo specializes in analyzing Amazon reviews. He publishes a list of daily Amazon deals on Reddit.



John W. DeFeo

Dad, analyst, artist. Grateful American. Former media executive. Website: https://www.johnwdefeo.com