5 Signs You Have a Cockroach Infestation

John white
2 min readJul 7, 2022



Cockroach infestation all you need to know. Pest infestations can be a huge nuisance, and they can cause many different issues for you, your family, and your home or business. Since there are many different creatures and critters that can find a way into your building and make it their home, it can be difficult to identify them in the early stages. For example, chew and claw marks could indicate mice or rats, or even squirrels. And although we may associate them with warmer temperatures, cockroach infestations are also surprisingly not that rare in the UK, with various signs to look out for.

Although there are over 4,500 different species of cockroach, the two main species in the UK are the Oriental cockroach and the German cockroach. If you suspect you have a cockroach infestation, it is important to act fast since they can cause serious health issues. They are known disease vectors, carrying organisms such as salmonella and streptococcus that cause food poisoning.

When the warmer weather comes to an end, cockroaches will be looking for a way to make their home in centrally heated properties. Here are some signs of a cockroach infestation to look out for in the autumn and winter.

Read more: 5 Signs You Have a Cockroach Infestation

