Rain, Snow, and Earthquakes

John Whye
6 min readJun 21, 2022

Which Is Most Likely to Impact Your Life?

Photo by Hannah Krueger on Unsplash

It rained a while back. California has been suffering through several years of drought, so I should have been happy, but I was not. The rain lashing against my windows and the gray skies outside, and the colder weather from the storm all combined to make me feel frightened, confused, and isolated.

I know intellectually that we need the rain, but emotionally it was like a visceral shock to my system, because it has been so long. Besides, because of the drought, and many subsequent forest fires that burned up thousands of acres of vegetation, we are in for many mudslides this year. Forest fire season is now seemingly year-round in California. So we definitely need more rain.

I guess it was like the change in the weather that affected me so profoundly, like that timeless classic song by Natalie Merchant with 10,000 Maniacs, “About the Weather.”

I think that there is something inherently embedded deep in the human consciousness that always wants to resist change, even if the change is for the better. Do you feel that way too? Do you have a built-in resistance to change, or do you embrace it?

You can know this intellectually, just like I realize that California desperately needs the rain, but there is still a small part of me resisting the change on the gut…



John Whye

2x Top writer, Illumination writer, retired hippie blogger, music lover, songwriter, and sports fan. A lifelong Pisces.