QR Code Payments for Nonprofits: Revolutionising Donations and Fundraising

2 min readNov 6, 2023


Every penny counts in the world of non-profits, and its small and regular donations often make the most impact for charities. But how can nonprofits make the donation process easier, ensuring every potential donor can contribute funds quickly and securely? The answer may lie in nonprofit tech advancements, like QR code payments.

Effortless giving using QR code donations

QR code payments aren’t new, but their use and popularity have increased in recent years thanks to their convenience and simplicity. QR code fundraising allows nonprofits to take contactless mobile payments and is convenient for donors.

Imagine you’re at a busy charity event, chatting away with your smartphone in hand. You see a customized QR code on display and can easily scan it, select your donation amount, and send funds securely; no lengthy forms or chewed pens are required. Instead, QR code donations offer a seamless process that reflects our digital age.

Adding QR code donations to your nonprofit: A simple checklist

Generating QR codes for charity use is easier than you think. Follow this easy checklist to start and optimise your donations:

Define your goals. Have clear objectives for QR code donations, such as increasing event contributions or online fundraising.

Select a QR code provider. A few are out there, each offering different rates, so do thorough research.

Design your QR code. Make sure it’s easy to scan and has enough blank space surrounding it (also known as a ‘quiet zone’). Add your nonprofit’s logo or graphic to the centre to attract more scans, but don’t obscure the pixels too much!

Generate and test. Inspect your links. Make sure your QR codes work by testing them on various devices and apps.

Security measures. Both enforce and communicate security measures to protect donor information and build trust.

Promote donations. Share your QR code far and wide. Add it to your landing page, website, social media channels, and printed promotional materials. Add a clear call to action under the QR code, like “donate now.”

Educate. Pitch the use of QR code donations and let your audience know how they help you, such as lower transaction fees.

Incentivise for further use. Thank users and offer rewards to encourage QR code donor engagement.

Analyse performance. Track usage regularly and measure the return on investment. Make improvements from any feedback you get.

