7 Significance of Kundali Milan — Why it is Absolutely Necessary!

John Williams
3 min readJun 12, 2024


One of the crucial aspects of Indian weddings is kundali matching. This comes after both families have given their consent. In Indian marriage, this is an ancestral ceremony where the horoscopes of the future bride and groom are matched and their astrological compatibility is verified. In real life, Kundali matching is significant when it comes to marriage. For many years, this has been considered an essential component of Indian weddings. This custom originates with our forefathers. When the birth charts, or “Kundalis,” align with all of the “yogas” and “doshas,” the primary goal of matching Kundalis is to predict the possibility of a happy, joyful, and peaceful marriage life.

Let’s examine further to learn more about this wonderful custom and its significance in Vedic astrology.

7 Significance of Kundali Milan

Kundali matching for marriage, also known as Kundli Milan, is a crucial procedure in Vedic astrology. Here are the top seven reasons for considering it.


Kundalis, or birth charts, are compared before marriage to assess a couple’s compatibility.

Vedic astrology states that the compatibility and future success of two individuals are determined by matching their gunas, or attributes. There are 36 gunas. Each of these gunas represents a particular aspect of life and has several points. It also predicts the ways in which their unique stars and destinies will influence one another.

We can also determine marital harmony by aligning kundali. If issues arise, Jyotish Shastra also offers a number of solutions.

Impacts on Career and Financial Stability

The planets’ movements impact not only the lives of the two individuals coming together in the holy bond of marriage but also the lives of each other. The seventh guna, bhakoot, signifies this outcome. Financial stability and employment possibilities are also examined using Kundali matching.

Fit to Give Birth to Children

The good health and happiness of kids are one of the primary topics that Kundali matching looks into. The eighth guna, Naadi, has the highest point value and represents the possibility of childbirth and any associated issues. Since the delivery of a child is the only thing that makes a family whole, parents go to great lengths after marriage to ensure their children’s happiness.

Determine Physical and Mental Harmony

The purpose of the Kundali Milan exercise is to predict the partners’ attitudes, behaviors, interests, and, most significantly, state of mind. This is the basis of a happy marriage, particularly in these difficult circumstances when everything is changing so quickly.

Both couples’ health and well-being are assessed during the matching process. To guarantee that there is a sufficient level of desire between the male and the female, physical attractiveness is also examined.

Overcome Dasha

The timing of a child’s birth and the positions of the stars determine his destiny. This element is highly significant to every person as it has been scientifically demonstrated.

Sometimes the timing and placement of the stars can produce a Dasha in a person’s chart, such as a Mangal Dasha or a Shani Dasha. These dashas can cause issues after marriage, and kundali matching can help identify whether they will. Once identified, the astrologer can advise you on how to mitigate its effects by performing specific poojas or following specific treatments. In serious circumstances, getting married is not advised.

Resolving Mismatched and Unmatched Kundali Issues

As of this moment, everyone is aware that kundali matching plays a big role in determining whether a marriage succeeds or fails. However, if every other aspect of a future marriage is correct aside from the kundali, what may be done? Under such conditions, seeking advice from a respected and well-known astrologer is advised.

Astrological treatments can be used to mitigate the unfavorable effects of the doshas and yogas in the couple’s kundli. Even if your birth chart does not match, astrology can help you get married to that special someone.

Special Poojas for Better Living (If needed)

Following Kundali matching, the astrologer could recommend certain poojas for a successful married life. By using remedies and doing pujas, doshas discovered after Kundali matching may be adjusted.

After carefully examining the celestial bodies of the bride and groom, specific cures are suggested for a happy married life.


Vedic Astrology says that the main purpose for kundali match or kundali Milan before marriage is to guarantee a long, happy, and prosperous married life for the pair. Therefore, accept astrology as a guiding light and take your marriage to a peaceful level.

