Beyond the Third Dimension: Exploring the Mysterious World of Hyper-dimensions

John Williams
4 min readMar 14, 2023
Hyper Dimensional Figurative Illustration

Have you ever thought about the possibility of there being more to reality than meets the eye?

Let’s start with something you’re probably already familiar with: the three dimensions of space. You know, height, width, and depth.

We use these dimensions to describe where things are in relation to one another.

But what if I told you that there might be more dimensions out there, beyond what we can see and touch?

It might sound crazy, but scientists have been exploring this idea for a long time. They call these extra dimensions “hyper-dimensions,” and they might hold the key to unlocking some of the mysteries of the Universe.

While the concept of hyper dimensions is a relatively modern scientific idea that emerged in the early 20th century, many ancient cultures and belief systems have explored concepts related to the nature of reality beyond what we can see and touch.

For example, the Upanishads and Taoism describe a universe composed of multiple planes of existence beyond the reach of our ordinary senses.

The Kyballion explores the concept of a multi-dimensional universe that is composed of different planes of existence.



John Williams

Part-time Poly-math | Full-time Adventurer | Ever-faithful Son