Deep Learning Explained So Simple A 6th Grader Can Understand - A Step-by-Step Guide — Part 1: What Is Deep Learning?

John Williams
3 min readApr 23, 2023
Deep Learning Explained So Simple A 6th Grader Can Understand

Imagine a world where machines can learn and think like us, where they can recognize patterns, solve problems, and adapt to new situations.

Machines That Think Like Us

This fantastic world isn’t just a dream — it’s the realm of deep learning.

In this series, I’ll take you on an adventure to explore this extraordinary area of study. Like a puzzle, we’ll piece together the complex ideas of deep learning in a way, even a curious 6th grader can understand.

What Is Deep Learning?

Deep learning is a type of artificial intelligence that helps computers “learn” from data.

You see, our brains are like intricate machines with millions of tiny connections. These connections allow us to learn, think, and remember. Deep learning uses a similar idea…but with computers.

It creates something called a neural network, which is a virtual or mathematical model of a brain.

Now, you might wonder, how can math help a computer learn?



John Williams

Part-time Poly-math | Full-time Adventurer | Ever-faithful Son