Large Language Models Explained So Simply, Even a Six-Year-Old Can Understand

John Williams
1 min readDec 24, 2022


What is a large language model?

A large language model is a type of computer program, designed to understand and generate human language.


Large language models understand and generate human language by looking at a very large amount of text written by humans and figuring out the patterns and rules that govern the way that language works.

The model is trained on this text by showing it to the model a little bit at a time and then asking the model to predict what word should come next.

If the model’s prediction is correct, it is rewarded.

If it is incorrect, it is told what the correct prediction should have been and is adjusted to make better predictions in the future.

This process is repeated many, many times until the model becomes very good at predicting the next word in a sentence.

Once the model is trained, it can then be used to generate new text by starting with a small seed of text and then using its understanding of language to predict what word should come next. It can then use this prediction to generate the next word, and so on until it has generated a whole piece of text.

Large language models are changing our world right now!

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John Williams

Part-time Poly-math | Full-time Adventurer | Ever-faithful Son