7 Jaw-Dropping Features of ClasifyAds — A Craigslist Clone

John Williams
3 min readDec 19, 2017


The advertising industry has always been in the limelight since olden days when technology didn’t emerge magnificently. However, the medium used for the advertising were different than those are used in this technological era. Moreover, to find the efficacious approaches or mediums for advertising and promoting the products or services is one of the biggest challenge facing by every small and giant business organizations.

Traditional advertising and online advertising are the two facets of advertising and promoting one’s business and their products or services, where the traditional advertising consists of the printing media such as newspapers, magazines etc. whereas the online advertising consists of Classified Ads platforms such as Craigslist, OLX and many more. Though both approaches have its own advantages and disadvantages, online advertising is all set to surpass the traditional approach as it is more effective than the traditional one.

This is the reason why people are moving towards classified business and consequently, the demand for Classified Ads platform is flourishing by leaps and bounds. Besides found most important ways which helps your classified website or business. To keep pace with this thriving requirement for the same, ClonesCloud has taken a step forward towards building an astounding Craigslist Clone Script — ClasifyAds. Here, we have listed out 7 awe-inspiring features of ClasifyAds that will uphold you to get to know how this Craigslist Clone will assist you to kick-start your classified business with the best classified website.

Spell-bounding Features of Craigslist Clone

1. 100% Source Code & Customization:

ClasifyAds has been fabricated using the robust and vigorous framework of all latest web technologies like PHP and MySQL that has been segmented among various pre-tested modules that give 100% guarantee of the error-free php classified script. Moreover, this Classified Ads script has been built using open-source languages and that is the reason why it is fully customizable as per your niche industry essentials.

2. Advanced Search & Filter Option:

This classified script has been integrated with advanced search and filter options that enables you to search and explore various advertisements easily and effortlessly. This phenomenal peculiarity of this Craigslist Clone renders you a high-end user experience.

3. Easy Registration & Social Login:

Lengthy registration form or process don’t render a pleasing user-experience to the users and thereby ClonesCloud changed the way of registration and login process tremendously. This classified ads script is having very simple registration form having only required fields for the registration process. Additionally, it has been integrated with social login peculiarity that is a popular way of authentication because it enables users to register themselves without filling out the lengthy registration form. This becomes possible with your Facebook or Google+ account as it makes you register yourself without providing your personal information and you are just two or three mouse clicks away to get registered yourself. This leads you to make your classified website more popular as well as lucrative.

4. Less is More:

“Less is More” paradigm has become very popular while fabricating any website as users don’t prefer to be engulfed when they visit your website. Considering this fact, ClonesCloud focused on the simplicity and has not engorged too much information on the homepage of this Craigslist Clone and consequently, it renders very nice user-experience to the users and it appeals more user-flaw to your classified software.

5. One Year Support & Updates:

The Craigslist Clone renders you free technical support as well as the update for one year. Due to the breathtaking support for Craigslist Clone rendered by the enthusiastic team of ClonesCloud, this Classified Script has become prominent among others. Additionally, whenever any new update is launched, it will be provided to you gratuitously till one year.

6. Perfect Analysis of Data:

ClasifyAds has some astounding features that bring ease to you as an admin to analyze various data, on the basis of which you can take the healthy decision for your classified business. One of such remarkable features includes easy export of various details of advertisements, users’ details, payment details etc with CSV and XLS file format that makes easy for you to take the decision as well as steps necessary for your business organization.

The above are 7 jaw-dropping features of ClasifyAds — a sublime Craigslist Clone that assists you to get ball rolling on your own online classified business flawlessly with the best classified script.

