The curious case of Holger Czukay

Jonny Qi
Talent Hero
Published in
3 min readSep 6, 2017

Probably not many of you have heard of Holger Czukay, a German experimental musician, pioneer of sampling, founder of German krautrock, who died today. We have to admit, we didn’t hear about him either, but it seems he has quite a name among musicians, even Thom Yorke of Radiohead fame mentioned him today:

So, we were naturally curious to see what kind of chart he has, to shed more light on this enigmatic person. This case is also interesting as research, to show you how an extremely weak element can play a quite big role.

Yin Wood - Yi Wood 乙

Czukay was born on a Yin Wood day, and in his Five Elements chart, we will notice some extremes. 90% of his chart is Wood, while Earth is totally squeezed out, getting only a tiny bit of support from the Fire.

Normally, an Earth element represents wealth to a Win Wood person, but when this element is unstable, it represents highly artistic skills. We often say that quality and position of the element is more important than quantity, therefore this the perfect example to show that.

This is one of the most extreme cases of an unstable element, therefore his creative skills were rather huge, but also very obscure for most people, due to huge imbalance. His ideas were too far fetched for an average listener and mainstream music.

But even more interesting is his dynamic chart. From 1971 to 1980 he was in strong Yin Earth period, which represents Pioneer Talent for him. In this period he did his most notable work with his bend Can.

After that, he went in 20 years of the Metal period, which, as you can assume, brought some balance to his strong Wood. It might not be a very pleasant period, because of various clashes, but Metal brought him INFLUENCE Component, which means that his work was recognized by many.

The entire life he had good dynamic influence, from Fire to Earth and Metal. At the year 2011, he entered strong Water and Wood period, two elements which are not very beneficiary for his chart, which is not bad after 70 years of very good dynamic luck.

Holger Czukay was driven by art and performance, his entire chart had only one focus, that tiny Earth, and that gave him inspiration. He was never a person running after wealth or influence, that is simply not in his chart.

He did have a lot of restrictions in his chart, but he did great anyway.

And nothing shows his personality better than one of his greatest hits, Cool In The Pool. Enjoy this mesmerizing video, and rest in peace Holger Czukay, we are happy that we finally learned about you.

Originally published at Talent Hero.

