AceStream in OpenSuse

Johny S
1 min readOct 7, 2018


Yesterday I was trying to watch Mcgreggor VS Khabib fight and realized I had to put this working on OpenSuse as it’s the distro I’m trying out.

It wasn’t as straight forward as in Ubuntu, but thanks to docker it got a lot easier than it should be.


  • Docker
  • Packman repository
  • VLC and codecs

How to use

Install Docker

We’ll start acestream as a docker container

sudo zypper install docker

Add packman repository

We’ll need it to download VLC codecs.

zypper ar -cfp 90 packman

Leap_15.0 is opensuse’s version, check the appropriate one for you

Install VLC and codecs

sudo zypper install vlc vlc-codecs

Pull docker image

  • Pull the image in advance:

docker pull magnetikonline/acestream-server

Clone acestream on docker repo

git clone

Run scripts

Inside the repo you have cloned

  • First, run the container -> ./
  • Second, run the script to start streaming with VLC:
./ \
--ace-stream-pid PROGRAM_ID \
--player /usr/bin/vlc \

Replace PROGRAM_ID with the acestream content ID.

— — — — — —

Hope it can help someone! And thanks to magnetikonline for creating the docker container.

