Knee Strengthening Exercises After Surgery

Joint Jaipur
2 min readJul 1, 2022


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Knee strengthening exercises are important after surgery to help reduce the risk of re-injury and improve function. Knee strengthening should be started as soon as possible following surgery, and can be done at home with minimal equipment.

There are many benefits that can be gained from properly performing knee strengthening exercises after surgery. By properly restoring the strength and flexibility of the knee, patients can reduce the risk of future injuries and restore their level of function.

When performing these exercises, it is important to be gentle and avoid over stressing the knee. Start by performing the exercises at a low intensity and gradually increase the intensity as your knee recovers. After surgery, patients should refrain from performing any activities that would put more stress on their knee.

It is important to be patient and allow the knee to heal before starting any new exercises. It may take up to two months for the knee to fully heal. Once the exercises are started, patients should continue performing them for two to three months, depending on the severity of their surgery.

Once the exercises have been successfully performed, it is important to maintain them by performing them regularly. Patients should perform the exercises three times per day, for a total of 30 minutes per day. Additionally, patients should perform knee exercises after any physical activity that would put stress on the knee.

Knee strengthening exercises after surgery are a great way to reduce the risk of future injuries and restore your level of function. By being gentle and performing the exercises at a low intensity, patients can start rebuilding their knee as soon as possible. After surgery, it may take up to two months for the knee to fully heal.

