154 Million Dollar Home — The Most Expensive Home In China

Jojo T
4 min readJan 27, 2017


An Extravagant Home That Truly Understands Luxury at Its Best

Call it a mansion, “Utopia” or the “One Billion Yuan Luxury Home,” truly, words are less for Taohuayuan, the most expensive garden home in China. With 32 bedrooms, 32 bathrooms, a mist covered pond, swimming pool and massive wine cellar, this “Peace Blossom Land” turns heads, catches buyer’s eyes and takes the world’s breath away. By the way, did we forget to mention that it has picturesque views of the beautiful Dushu Lake? Oh yes, it’s absolutely true!

Want more evidence that the Chinese love to live large?

This real estate property took over three years to build. Fashioned in the style of a traditional Chinese house with upturned roofs and a courtyard-style layout, this home is what you call luxury! The house commissioned Xiangshanbang Traditional Architectural and Building Skills to handcraft all the brickwork. Accompanied by manicured gardens inspired by East Asia, this Chinese fairy tale is an excellent outcome of patience and infinite imagination. The residence is approximately 1.5 hours’ drive west from Shanghai.

This is Taohuayuan. The record-breaking home is surrounded by Dushu Lake and covers a staggering 1,663 acres.
Traditional Chinese landscaping gives this three-year-old home a heightened sense of age and grandeur. All 32 bedrooms are south-facing for optimal sunlight.
The gardens — including this mist-covered pond — are modelled on the Classical Gardens of Suzhou, which have been listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

The Suzhou Garden Home’s Astonishing Demand

The listing first appeared on June 6, 2016. In spite of its extraordinarily costly price label, there were many offers on the table. There were clients who were restless to get their hands on this most expensive home in all of China. In fact, there were several foreign clients who were interested in finalising the deal.

This 72,441 sq. ft. mansion Suzhou garden home was sold for $154 million to Chinese Real Estate Tycoon, Hongtian Chen in July 2016, setting a price record in China. Previously, similar opulent homes on the mainland have listed for roughly half the price. Well, however surprising, peace and utopia do cost so much in China now.

Private gardens in Suzhou have been renowned as World Cultural Heritage sites. No doubt, the garden-style homes are desired by top collectors. And this is surely why this paradise in China was sought after by many.

Apart from a luxury home on The Peak in Hong Kong that sold for 1.5 billion HKD (1.29 billion RMB), Taohuayuan is the most expensive home in mainland China ever to hit the market. But if we really compare both of the properties, unlike the Honk Kong estate, the utopian castle — Taohuayuan features a pond!

Taohuayuan- Suitable For an Emperor

According to recent news, this Shanghai estate is fit for an emperor. Since 1917 when Pu Yi last ascended the throne, China hasn’t had an emperor. Yet if the country ever gets an emperor again, it would proudly locate the seat of power in a lavish home on a private island.

This most expensive real estate property vouches for Hong Kong, the city of China to be one of the most expensive cities to live in the world, contradictory to the notion that Western cities are the priciest. According to Knight Frank’s latest Prime International Residential Index, $1m will buy you only 46.2 square metres’ worth of luxury property in Shanghai, China.



Jojo T

Working in a creative industry and loves tech and it changes the world. Let’s share!