My Digital Story Outline

Analiisa Jokinen
4 min readNov 2, 2016


As it comes to the end of the semester it is time to think about the layout for my digital story. It has been a very eventful year so far and I am excited to see where all the events fit into my digital story.

For my digital story I would like to discuss the change from my small hometown to coming into a big city with many people. I want to explain how this change has impacted my life. I would then like to cover some of my first-year experience events I attended. I think this would be helpful to those who are just coming into this college and give them some ideas on what to do. The last aspect I would like to add into my story is my CLA class and how it has really helped me get to understand the college, how to get involved, and all of the cool people I have met.

For my hometown change I want to explain how I went from such a small town and now I am in a huge city. Almost all of my friends here are from big cities so I couldn’t really get any insight on other students. However, for my first-year experience part I would just like to state some points that my advisor has given me. I am talking about my academic advisor for my PES Scholarship. She is a sophmore this year and I just asked her some questions on how she prepared for her first- year and what fun activities she did. I think my most informing piece of my digital story would be the CLA class. I am very grateful for this class because it has really helped me find my place at the U. I have been learning my strengths, making new friends, and learning about problems that face many colleges today, and how we can fix them.

I have not been looking up that many things on the internet, but I want to look up some information on how well students from small towns that move to bigger cities handle that change. I think that would just add some good insight into what these students go through. I think it would be interesting to even just state the change from high school to college. Overall that is also a major change in a students life. Other than that I want my digital story to be based on the stuff that I have done here at college and in my classses.

I want my digital story to start off as me before college. I want it to start off about where I am from and the kind of person I am. I then want to go into the college experience and talk about how that has changed me and expanded my horizons. I for sure have grown, as a definition in my CLA class would say, in neuroplasticity. I then want to finish off on how the CLA class has helped me and how all the information I have learned will continue to help me with my college experience.

This is the picture of my class on the football field during welcome week.

My psych discussion group.

My friend and I in our matching Minnesota crewnecks.

A picture I took of the field during pride and spirit at the U.

This cool panoramic picture I took of the city one night.

