Opening Sequence

Solberg Audunsson
2 min readJan 12, 2014

One of the grinding discussions we had when designing QuizUp was around the opening sequence (we called it the first time experience). We wanted a candy-store effect from all the topics to choose from but at the same time we wanted to avoid overwhelming the user with complexity. Our goal was to get the user excited and engaged as quickly as possible without tutorials or explanations.

The drawer metaphor

My theory is that the user has a capacity for about two new ideas in an app. Our first such idea was the topic drawer. After login the home screen slides from bottom to top and then simulates a tap to the top topic. This opens the drawer and reveals the Play Now button without user interaction. Cognitive effort is directed towards this metaphor.

One of my favorite opening sequences is in the movie Iron Giant. I must have watched the movie literally over a hundred times and the beginning of it does an awesome job of instilling mystery and anticipation. Director Brad Bird explains why a longer version was cut and shows us the scene in voiceover and storyboard frames (story real). This reminded me of the sketches we made for QuizUp, eventual iOS fake app for pitching and the Keynote animations of signup and home screen flow.

I bet there are more interactive product lessons to learn from film.

