GUIDE (w/ pictures): Channel Commander for TeamSpeak 3 in 10 Easy Steps

3 min readMar 17, 2018


Channel Commander is a handy-dandy feature that makes TeamSpeak 3 very useful for voice communications in competitive games and while playing with large groups of people (such as a guild in an MMORPG). It allows you to communicate with other Channel Commanders through a private channel using a hotkey, much like push-to-talk; whoever does not have Channel Commander active cannot hear you.

Here I will show you how to set this feature up for your own TeamSpeak account.

  1. Go to Tools > Options.

2. Go to Whisper.

3. Click on Whisper Lists.

4. Right-click on the white box under Synchronized Whisperlists and click on the New option.

5. Enter the key combination you want to use as a hotkey for Channel Commander.

This could be any key you choose; just make sure it doesn’t conflict with any keys/key-combos you use in game, or if you need to use the key to type somewhere. Else, you’ll open up the Channel Commander voice channel every time you press the key.

6. Click on the drop-down next to Whisper to and change it to Groups.

7. Click on the drop-down next to Group Whisper Type and change it to Channel Commander.

8. Click on Apply and then OK at the bottom of the window.

9. Right-click on your name and click on Channel Commander.

10. The circle next to your name will now be Orange instead, and will light-up Red when you use the hotkey you set. This means anyone else who has Channel Commander (indicated by an orange circle) assigned will also be able to hear you.

And you’re done!


If you have any questions, feel free to message me on my Twitter.

Video Reference

