Swagger-Codegen: Auto-generating Client SDKs from OpenAPI Specifications

KH Huang
2 min readOct 1, 2023
Photo by Hal Gatewood on Unsplash

API development has seen a significant shift in the last decade, with a more standardized approach to designing, documenting, and consuming web APIs. OpenAPI (formerly known as Swagger) has played a pivotal role in this transformation. However, one tool that often gets overlooked but offers immense power in this ecosystem is the swagger-codegen. This tool allows developers to generate client SDKs automatically, server stubs, API documentation, and other essential code pieces directly from an OpenAPI Specification.

In this article, we’ll delve deep into the capabilities of swagger-codegen, explore its core features, and see how it can seamlessly fit into modern development workflows.

The Power of Automation in API Development

When you design an API, the subsequent steps involve creating client SDKs for various platforms, writing documentation, and often spinning up server stubs. Imagine doing all this manually — not very efficient, right?

swagger-codegen steps in precisely to automate these repetitive tasks. Given an OpenAPI Specification (a detailed description of your API), swagger-codegen can generate all these components for you, in multiple languages and frameworks.

Setting up Swagger-Codegen

Installation is straightforward

$ brew install swagger-codegen  # for macOS users with Homebrew

For other operating systems, you can refer to the official GitHub repository for detailed instructions.

Generating Code

Using swagger-codegen is quite straightforward. Let's say you have an OpenAPI Specification in a file named myapi.yaml. To generate a Python client SDK, you would use:

$ swagger-codegen generate -i myapi.yaml -l python -o ./myapi-client

Here, -i specifies the input file, -l denotes the language for SDK generation, and -o defines the output directory.

Supported Languages and Frameworks

swagger-codegen supports a vast array of languages and frameworks, including but not limited to:

  • Client SDKs: Java, Python, Ruby, JavaScript, TypeScript, Go, Swift, and more.
  • Server stubs: Java (Spring, JAX-RS), Python (Flask), Ruby on Rails, NodeJS, and more.
  • API documentation: HTML, Markdown, Confluence Wiki.

Customizing Code Generation

One of the notable strengths of swagger-codegen is the ability to customize code generation through templates. This flexibility ensures that the generated code adheres to your organization's coding standards and practices.

Templates utilize the Mustache templating system, allowing you to customize the output at a granular level.

Final Thoughts: Beyond Code Generation

While swagger-codegen primarily focuses on generating client SDKs and server stubs, its utility in modern development workflows is undeniable. By automating mundane tasks and ensuring consistency across multiple platforms, developers can focus on what truly matters: building robust, feature-rich APIs.

In today’s rapid development cycles, tools like swagger-codegen are not just conveniences; they are necessities. By leveraging them effectively, teams can achieve faster go-to-market times, ensure higher quality in their deliverables, and foster an environment of efficiency and innovation.



KH Huang

Backend Software Engineer | Python & Golang | Crafting high-performance solutions for seamless experiences.