Getting punched in the stomach and boxing

Jolo Lat
3 min readJan 12, 2019


I remember lying on the ground clutching my stomach, trying my hardest to breathe but somehow I couldn’t.

Because I got punched in the gut in a basketball game.

Last June 2018, my high school organized an alumni basketball tournament and it was my first time playing. We were already in the first game of the championship against tough competition (and older by 8 years).

Talking trash has always been a part of my game, and before you know it I was already arguing with someone on the opposing team. In the next ensuing play, he stood beside me, then turned around suddenly and punched me in the fucking stomach.

This story isn’t about being punched, it’s about how terrible moments can actually lead to a new adventure.

I promised myself that day, I would learn how to take a punch and defend myself if the need arises.

I promised myself that day, I would learn how to take a punch.

One painful moment, led me to a discovering a new passion.

From left to right, Coach Boy, Laura the Australian, Some girl I don’t know who, Coach Jayson and Me.

It’s already been 5 months since I started boxing all because of that.

Here are 4 reasons why I love it, besides the fact that I learn how to punch.

Fun way to get fit

The obvious benefit is that it’s a full body workout and you’ll lose weight easily in boxing as long as you come in consistently. The “fun” thing about boxing is it involves movement. It’s like dancing except the dance moves involve punches. There’s attacking, defending and evading, so there’s a lot of things happening.

Great outlet for stress

If you’re like me who either want to punch or scream when extremely stressed, then boxing might be something you’ll like because those are allowed. Sometimes, even the answer to your problems will arrive while you’re working out.

A sense of community

I tried going to gym for a few years, but I didn’t seem to like the culture of people in earphones doing their own thing and not talking too much. I like conversations and talking to a bunch of dumbbells didn’t seem like my thing.

That’s why I stuck to boxing because there’s a lot of conversation happening with the coaches and the other people working out. Plus I don’t get to see a lot of people by themselves on earphones.

I like conversations and talking to a bunch of dumbbells didn’t seem like my thing.

Coach Jayson Rotoni agreed to act like he punched me

It boosts Confidence

Ever since i started boxing, walking and standing tall was much easier. It really felt like whatever life threw at me, I could somehow, someway take it.

To watch a super short video of me sparring, click here


If whoever punched me in the stomach is reading this, thank you because if it wasn’t for you, I wouldn’t have discovered this new passion.

Winning the alumni championship

Sometimes our worst moments will lead to something better, as long as we take action on it.

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If you have any questions feel free to just hit me up! I love questions and harsh criticism!

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